Online Community Forum - Terms of Use and 'How to' Guide

Welcome to the Blood Cancer UK Online Community!

Before using this online community, please read our terms of use and our guide to using the forum, here - Terms of Use and Guide to Using the Forum.pdf (1.7 MB)

Terms of Use

Please remember that this online forum is for the purpose of peer to peer support between people affected by blood cancer.

Information on this site should never be considered a substitute for medical advice provided by medical professionals. You should talk to your GP, hospital consultant, pharmacist or other allied health and social care professional if you have any questions or concerns about your health or care

The Blood Cancer UK Online Community is here to provide a safe, friendly and supportive environment where users can share experiences and offer support.

We ask users to be sensitive and supportive of each other at all times and to follow the following Terms of Use when posting messages to the community.

  1. Ensure this is the right place for you. The Blood Cancer UK Online Community is intended for anyone affected by blood cancer. The Community is not intended for industry representatives or advertisers and these individuals or organisations are not permitted to participate on the site.

  2. Take a look around. Browse through topics and conversations to see what our community is talking about and find issues important to you.

  3. Introduce yourself. After you feel comfortable with our site, register to join in the conversation.

  4. Stay secure. Remember that our site can be viewed by anyone. To guard your privacy, follow these simple rules: do not share your address, phone number, details about your family, or anything else you would feel uncomfortable with others reading. If you post your personal email, be aware that you may receive spam e-mail from spammers who gather addresses off of the web. Furthermore, your user name will be visible to others. We recommend that you choose a nickname that protects your identity.

  5. Read and react to posts with care. If you don’t agree or are offended by someone’s post, take a step back and think before you reply. Since we can’t talk in person with each other, we must recognize that we may be misunderstanding stories or posts. Please be sensitive to others’ feelings and ask for clarification before reacting.

  6. Search before starting new topics. To keep the platform easy to use, please use the search bar to locate topics of interest before starting a new thread. If you start a new thread, please use obvious subject headings and words that will catch the attention of others.

  7. Watch what you post. To keep this site safe for everyone, please do not post:

  • The names of Doctor’s, health professionals or treatment facilities.
  • Links to websites with unreliable and untrustworthy content.
  • Advertisements, requests for fundraising, items for sale, requests for study, survey and/or questionnaire participation
  • Any abusive, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive language will not be tolerated and will be removed.
  • Please do not post anything that could be interpreted as medical advice, including but not limited to linking to unverified research studies. This forum is not a substitute for the advice of an individual’s healthcare team, and information posted within the forum should not be posed as such.
  • We do not recommend the inclusion of sensitive personal information in any posts. Please be conscious of security and confidentiality. Do not post the contact information of others without their consent
  1. Sharing photos. Please use good taste and appropriate images when adding photos to your profile or personal stories. Photos containing nudity are not permitted. Photos should be in .jpg format.

  2. Safeguarding and Child Protection – for those under 18 years old. For the protection and safety of children, the Blood Cancer UK Online Community does not allow members under the age of 16 years. Keeping children and young people safe online is a shared responsibility. If you see anything that causes you concern, or makes you uncomfortable, please let us know by contacting us at or on 0808 2080 888. To find out more about how to stay safe online you can see Keeping children safe online | NSPCC 5
    If you are under 18, please do not share photos, or any sensitive personal information, such as your name or your contact details, within any posts. We would also recommend you use a forum username that does not include your name. This is to help keep you safe.

  3. Not following the rules? Blood Cancer UK Moderators will routinely scan the platform and will delete posts that clearly break the rules. If after a warning, you continue to post inappropriate messages or pictures or use offensive language in a post on multiple occasions, you will be notified via email and your account will be inactivated. If informed about targeted abuse or any inappropriate private messages, Blood Cancer UK staff will intervene and take appropriate action.

  4. Report foul play. Help our Blood Cancer UK Moderators by reporting anyone that posts inappropriate messages or pictures by clicking the ‘flag’ icon. This will send a private notification to the Blood Cancer UK Online Community Moderators who will take appropriate action, or email

  5. Questions or concerns? Please feel free to email us at with any questions or concerns about blood cancer, or the Blood Cancer UK Online Community Forum. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible - we are here to support you.

  6. Terms & Conditions. By posting your story, questions, concerns and other information on the Community, you grant Blood Cancer UK permission to publish, reproduce, record and use your stories as we see fit in any medium or forum in a manner which helps to further the Blood Cancer UK mission. Blood Cancer UK cannot verify every claim made by a third party contributor to our Community and is not responsible for the authenticity of information posted. Any postings on the Blood Cancer UK Online Community site should not replace the advice of your own treatment team. Always check with your personal medical team before taking any action regarding your health.

  7. If you are feeling vulnerable or you are concerned about your emotional wellbeing, The Samaritans Support Service is available 24/7 on Tel: 116 123 or email:

  8. No financial requests Please do not make any financial requests to other members of the forum, any posts or messages which do will be deleted and members may be suspended.

  9. If you wish to post a petition regarding a blood cancer campaigning issue, please submit the petition for review before posting, by emailing

Thank you for sticking to these guidelines, and contributing to the Blood Cancer UK Online Community being a safe and supportive space for anyone affected by blood cancer.

Blood Cancer UK Support Services Team

Edit the first post in this topic to change the contents of the Terms of Service page.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Just diagnosed

Hi @Meli I have responded to your other post