PV and restless legs

Dear Gemma,
Thank you very much for your email.
I spoke to one of the nurses from the hospital. She called this afternoon.
I was worried that maybe I was not being monitored often enough and she assured me that it is completely normal to have my blood tests every three months.
I have an appointment at Guys hospital in a couple of weeks. The appointment is with a dermatologist and I am hoping to discuss with them the option of Phototherapy. I am very much hoping that this therapy which I can have in Brighton Hospital next october, will help alleviate my symptoms,.
This last few days, about a week, have been the worse I have experienced for a long time with my itching and burning skin . At times, I just want to die. It seems the only way out of the suffering.
I will get in touch with you after treatment. Fingers crossed. Thank you again for your support. oleconchi