Thank You for your “welcome”. I found myself singing up to this Forum having realised that I had nothing to lose by doing so but so much to gain as well as hopefully unconditional support if or when needed. My story is that having been diagnosed with CIDP (neurological condition) the blood tests that I had in order to undergo IVIG infusion treatment identified other blood abnormalities.
In respect of the latter I was referred to Haematology in 2017 and given an alleged IgG MGUS/ asymptomatic myeloma diagnosis. You may have noticed that I said “alleged” as I do not particularly feel truly ill even though my blood test results do not reflect my state of ‘mind over matter’ regardless of any possibly connected symptoms that I have. I do understand that Active Surveillance/ Watch & Wait isn’t carried out without good medical reason and therefore I’m fortunate to be where I am at within this condition.
I hope that any future posts I may make will be in line and in support of what I believe this thoroughly important Forum is about and can say that the posts and threads that I have read have already provided support.
…thanks for reading.