Acute myeloid leukaemia

Hi there lovely people :blush:

We are in Italy :it:! :heart_eyes:. We are staying at a beautiful hotel in Sorrento. It is super hot so taking things steady. Tomorrow we head out on a tour to Pompeii and Naples.

Danae is loving it so far. We have a pool at our hotel. These are also helping in keeping cool. Aperol and Limoncello Spritz! :tangerine::lemon:.

Hope everyone is doing ok m

The DD :two_hearts:xx


Oh, it sound absolute heaven, enjoy every minute my DD @SarahMum and Danae


Hiya Honeys - we are home! :house_with_garden::blush:

Italy was beautiful! So special and we loved every minute. Danae stated that it was her best holiday EVER!

We went out on tours to Pompeii, Amalfi and Capri. They were brilliant and we have both fallen in love with the Amalfi coast :two_hearts:

I had a major anxiety attack before we went. I felt super scared and responsible for Danae having the best time and not being unwell. A good friend offered some great advice to just relax and let everything happen. I was on holiday with my daughter who also is my best friend. I tried to do this and we have truly made some super special memories :it::two_hearts:

We also ate our own body weight in cheese, pasta, pizza and ice cream! :rofl:

Hope everyone else is doing okay out thereโ€ฆ?

Sending love and positive vibes to you all

The DD :two_hearts:xx


So happy you both had a great time! I can imagine the anxiety is a natural reaction but look at you, you did it!

What trip is next on the horizon for you both? Lots of good vibes and healthy wishes for autumn for you both :heart::rainbow:


Oh @SarahMum and Danae your holiday sounds amazing all the places you saw and what a photo.
I think it is very natural for you to have an anxiety attack, this is a personal, not medical, response, but I keep going and keep going during a crisis and then when I can relax more my thoughts and emotions come out all over the place.
Your Italian diet sounds good to me.
Your good friend gave you great advice to relax and let everything happen, how freeing, I always feel this sense of itโ€™s my responsibility to make it perfect. Thank you you have given me something to think about.
You are both dynamic as a duo, as best friends and separately.
Sending positive vibes back to you both xx


Awww thanks @Toadmum :smiling_face:

Glad all is going well with your husband and the house move has gone okay. Enjoy your time off and take some time to relax :woman_in_lotus_position:t3:

Danae will be heading back to Uni next weekend. Wow?! I feel so strange about that. The one thing that kept her going through all of her treatment and here we areโ€ฆ. I am soooooo thankful that she is able to return for her final year. But, I am going to miss her sooooooooooo much :cry:. I will need to book in lots of visits to spend precious time together :two_hearts:

You guys enjoy your chill time together as a family and keep us updated :blush:

Sarah and Danae xx


Thanks @Erica :smiling_face:

I will read your response back to Danae. She always asks now if we โ€˜have heard from Ericaโ€™. You are such an amazing person - taking care of everyone in this space. We hope you are good and taking care of yourself too.

Catch up soon :blush:xx


What an amazing trip! A lot of my family are from Naples and I keep meaning to go visit them and then head down the coast. You might have just inspired me to finally do it. Iโ€™m so glad the two of you got to go away and have a lovely time. Life is for enjoying when you can.


Go for it @Ilona

You would have the best time :blush::it:. It is a beautiful area. We also drove around Naples - a historic city with beautiful buildings. The chance to catch up with family also :blush:


Hi @SarahMum and Danae, I was thinking about your lovely posts on my walk today and thinking about my experiences since diagnosis.
I was going through life on autopilot thinking I had my life mapped out in front of me, perhaps a bit materialistic, bringing up my son, working too hard, but justifying it with my son that we needed the money (which to be fair we did), taking him here, there and everywhere, running a house and sleeping.
When I was diagnosed, and had come to terms with my diagnosis, I decided to re assess my life. The best thing I ever did and I shall always be grateful to my diagnosis for.
I had worked in a town with great history for 20 yrs, but even though I am extremely nosey, I never took the time to look around me.
My reflections were that the important things in life for me are mostly free like music, nature, architecture, but mostly my family and friends and doing things that I enjoy alone or with them.
Everyday I feel gratitude for my life and โ€˜stop and smell the rosesโ€™ my DD.
Sorry I have rambled.
Danae enjoy Uni and @SarahMum we will be here for you as you will miss her so, so much, you have had so much precious time together.
@SarahMum xxx and Danae xxx


Awww Dear @Erica

Not rambling at all. A very reflective and honest post. Thanks for sharing :two_hearts:

Well, guess who is back at Uni? (Well back at her halls getting ready for her final year.). My emotions are all over the place. I am so pleased for her - she is back to the life she deserves :blush:. But, I am also sad and worried. I guess understandable. I am also tired :sleeping: as we drove her up and we came back in this weekend. I will shed some tears and have an early night me thinks.

I see a stronger young lady who is calmer and ready. We will re-start our tradition of sending a picture of our tea every night :joy: Food is still VERY important in our family!

How is everyone else doing? We send you all love and positive thoughts

The DD :two_hearts:xx


Oh @SarahMum, I would be very, very surprised if you felt any different.
I expect you will be absolutely exhausted with conflicting osculating emotions for a while, as probably Danaeโ€™s will be.
I think sadness and worry are par for the course as a mum.
My tiredness can be brought on by what personally stresses me, by emotional, psychological, physical, medical and practical issues.
I would have thought you have been keeping so many plates spinning for so long.
I reckon you are right Danae is a far stronger young lady who is calmer and ready, what a gift.
I hope the tea piccies have been swapped and the many tears have flowed and you are now snuggled up in bed .
Rest @SarahMum xxxxxx

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