Bloodwise Forum Registration Page - Please answer our poll

Dear Bloodwise Online Forum Members,

As it stands currently, this forum sits behind a registration page. This means that people wanting to view and join in conversations on this forum, must sign up first.

It’s become clear to us, that hiding the forum in this way, from those who have not yet signed up, is putting some people off joining the forum, as they cannot view conversations to decide whether or not it might be valuable for them.

We want to ensure that as many people as possible who are affected by blood cancer, are aware of this forum and the peer to peer support it could offer them.
With this in mind, we want to know if you, our current forum members, would feel comfortable with us taking down this registration page. This would mean that non-members would be able to view certain conversations. They would however, still be required to sign up to join in any conversations.

Please note that the well-being of our members is our first priority, and the forum will continue to be closely monitored and moderated by Bloodwise staff and our Digital Ambassadors. Taking down the registration page would not jeopardize the safety or regulation of this forum.

Furthermore, we would inform you all of the time scale in which we would remove this registration page, in order to allow time for you all to anonymize your forum usernames/icons, which would be our recommendation.

Please answer the below poll, to tell us if you would feel comfortable with us taking down this registration page.

Thank you!

  • Yes I would be comfortable with this
  • No I would not be comfortable with this

0 voters