End of plan B and compulsory mask wearing on transport and in shops - how safe do you feel?

With the abandonment of restrictions I was pleased to learn about the DISTANCE AWARE badges and lanyards available thanks to the Welsh and Scottish NHS. . I have a couple of quick points to air…

  • In Scotland the badges are available in libraries and Asda stores but not available from Asda with my home delivery - can someone please tell Asda to add them to the product list ?? !!!

  • The badges are too small so please get the next batch made larger - in the meantime get the lanyard version if you can…

  • the badges develop rust spots when worn in the rain (is there any other time?!) so cheapest is not always best!!!

  • Posters are available on the NHS Scotland website and I printed them off and had them put up at the GP Surgery, the local Pharmacy and various shops in town. What a shame the NHS did not think to distribute them…

  • NHS England are lagging behind but will point you at some Charities and badge makers …

I am lucky enough to live in a rural area and avoiding people is not hard but I( wish all townies well and Good Luck :heart_eyes:

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