I also loved Fawlty Towers -the show must have been great fun, although I think some of the original cast are no longer with us.did one of your “minders” go with you?
My mind only manages to multitask at nighttime when it can think of several things all at the same time!! Nights are pretty bad sleep wise but I don’t think I need that much sleep, although I read that poor sleep leads to a shortened life and risk of strokes and dementia- well- I reasoned I have that anyway!!
@Jimbo165 has your consultant mentioned stem cell transplant as an option?
I’ll let you know how appointment goes and will mention my supplier in the midlands not needing his meds- have a sneaky feeling it may not help me though
Good evening @Gillyj and everyone else, I hope that you are well.
I also hope that your blood test went as painlessly as possible for you.
Yes, and sadly, some of the cast members have ‘crossed over’, including Andrew Sachs who played, so wonderfully, Manuel. Daughter No1 arranged the trip, as long as I was happy to drive (which I always am!), but it was quite a long day with the drive to Brum, then to London, before doing the reverse later on, finally getting home about 12 hours after leaving home.
Being a bloke, I am not allowed to multitask (in public!) but frequently do more than one task at a time during working hours.
No, there has been no mention of a stem cell transplant and I’m not aware of Stem cell transplant even being a treatment option for Essential thrombocythemia (ET).
As always, take care, stay safe, be kind to yourself and keep on smiling.
12 hrs is a long day- not surprised you were cream crackered!! I loved Andrew Sachs as Manuel- he was brilliant!
I have Essential thrombocythemia (ET) as well and it has been vaquely mentioned to me that stem cell transplant is a possibility if I need it in the future. I do know though that they thoroughly check all your organs prior to being accepted for it so not everyone is suitable.
Hi @Gillyj, it’s interesting that a Stem cell transplant has been mentioned, vaguely or otherwise, to you as a possible treatment option. I shall mention it to my consultant at the end of the month on my next appointment though and see what the reaction is.
I suspect that my recalcitrant organs may be a stumbling block, what with liver and kidney issues, as well as my previous heart attack.
In my youth I used to work 14 to 15 hour night shifts,5 nights a week, which could well have been a contributory factor to “things” in later life, but who knows!
Yes indeed, Manuel and Connie were great, as were Sybil and Basil, along with the rest of the cast, with Mrs Richards coming to the fore as being a particularly annoying elder “bossy boots” lady!
Blood results showed platelets have risen a little above normal, spoke to a different haematologist from normal who was very nice and said platelets often fluctuate a little , so stay on 60 interferon every 2 weeks for next 8 weeks and then see what’s happening. Prescription being processed. She seemed to think I was one of only a few still on interferon.
Oh @Gillyj I sometimes like seeing someone different as it is a sort of second opinion.
Lets see how you go and glad that you have a bit of peace of mind
Look after yourself
Hi @Gillyj That was an interesting comment about interferon and i am not sure it is true for the rest of the UK. I am still on interferon and so far haven’t had a problem getting it. My main consultant said there is a supply chain of the Rosche made pegasys that is not in short supply yet but i am not sure how it is accessed. I think it is available if you can’t get it through the normal channels. It is run by the department that deals with expensive or short supply medication. I can’t remember what she called the supply chain. I am only given one syringe at a time but as long as i get it I don’t mind that.
You seem to be doing well on it so I will keep my fingers crossed for you over the next few weeks.
With your platelets rising slightly I wonder if you too are suffering from a “seasonal variation” as well?
I’m glad that you are still getting supplied with your “drug of choice” and hope that the 60mcg every two weeks will bring your pesky platelet count back down.
Meanwhile, stay safe, take care, keep warm, carry on smiling and be kind to yourself.
Her comment about me being one of a very few on interferon related I think to those of us at Worthing hospital rather than nationwide . I’ve been issued 4 at a time luckily so there’s obviously enough atm! That’s interesting to hear about Rosche though and I’ll bear it in mind if needed.
How are you doing atm ? Have your bloods settled and are you feeling any better?
@Gillyj Platelets are going up and down but haven’t really got into a routine yet due to the dosage adjustment because of the thyroid trouble. They are still too high.
Just had some stress and emotional troubles due to my daughter buying her first house and the usual stress plus a friend recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Finding it all a bit too much.
Sorry to hear that @Chrispy - house buying is a stressful time and having a friend with terminal cancer is awful to go through.
I do hope they sort your thyroid issues out soon- it’s been going on a while hasn’t it. Are you feeling ok in yourself though?
Take care and make sure to sit down and rest every day- “A Place On The Sun” on tv is my go to when I need to chill for a while
Oh @Chrispy you really have got so much going on.
I can remember my son moving to his first house, I got so stressed.
It must also be so difficult for you having a friend being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Also dosage adjustment does take time with complex medical issues.
We are here for you as is the Blood Cancer UK support line on 0808 2080 888.
Yes, I can imagine that it is all too much, it certainly would be for me, be ever so kind to yourself.
Thank you @Gillyj and @Erica Just finding it tough at the moment and have ups and downs. Normally i can cope and laugh but some times it is that one extra thing and i have some down days. I have booked a holiday so i have something to look forward to and hope it gives me a lift. I know my friend doesn’t have long so i am making the most of visiting as often as i can. She has been moved to a palliative care ward now so visiting time is not restricted. we spent many holidays together in the past and remines about the fun we had.
Anyway thyroid blood test taken today so will wait to see where i am at. It is normalising so hope to reduce to a low maintenance if it has improved.
All the best to you all. Sorry about my self absorbed spells and please just bare with me.
Hi @Chrispy I am not surprised that you are having some down days, yes, it is that one final thing isn’t it that does me too.
I was nearly in tears just now over something minute in the scheme of things.It must be so difficult with you friend having been moved to palliative care.
Please do make sure that you look after yourself as well as you are looking after your friend and try and make the most of every minute together.
Please do let us know how your thyroid blood tests go.
We are here for you please do keep posting and I await hearing about that holiday.
Be very kind to yourself.
Good morning @Chrispy - so glad to hear your thyroid is finally behaving- these pesky organs as @Jimbo165 would say!
It’s so hard having a good friend nearing the end of her days, I’m sure she appreciates you being there for her even though it’s hard for you.
I hope your holiday is somewhere warm? It’s certainly freezing here, no tennis for me today as the courts have a layer of frozen snow on them!
Please don’t apologise for your self absorbed spells, we all get self absorbed at some time or another and that’s what the forum is there for- to let off steam and to get support- I feel as though the people we chat to on the forum become our friends.
Look after yourself and keep chatting when you want to
Thank you that’s a good idea but actually a friend of mine is on the West Sussex ( I think it’s West Sussex)committee and I believe they’re organising a walk locally/ am just waiting to hear details. It’s a great way to raise money.