How are you doing @DavidJohnSmith?
Hi @Dangermouse and a big welcome to the forum.
As @Willow, I love your forum name! I loved watching Dangermouse as well and still remember the theme tune so well!
I’m sorry to hear you are not well at the moment. It’s great that you have taken the time to offer great advice to other members. It’s so important that we listen to our body because we know it best.
Please keep us updated on how you are doing. I hope things start to move in the right direction
Hello good people I’m back home after x8 days in a wonderful caring hospital, isolation ward and my own room. Temperature began to stabilise so once I’d got over D & V ( c diff and COVID) ,i was allowed to go home. Feeling much better 1st day back home, stay safe and SHIELD people. ( because I really don’t know where i got covid)???
What great news to hear you are home safe and sound. Take good care of yourself
Many thanks Nichola
Hi @DavidJohnSmith I am so glad to hear that you are back home but perhaps you might still have lingering symptoms so take lots of special care of yourself
How are you doing @Dangermouse?
If i have my bone marrow biopsy in 4 months time, and I’m left with M.R.D. ( minimal residual disease). And i am recommended to have Rituximab treatment, does anyone know time scale for this taking place.
Thanks David
Hi @DavidJohnSmith. I have copied in the @BloodCancerUK_Nurses
Dear @DavidJohnSmith
Firstly, glad you are back home and I do hope you are recovering well?
Your question regarding time scales, may I ask whether you mean the time scale for the MRD results or the scheduling of the Rituximab Maintenance?
Minimal Residual Disease testing takes approximately 2 weeks but it does depend on where the Specialist Laboratory is situated in relation to the Hospital you have the Bone Marrow Test taken in.
In terms of booking your Rituximab, that is really dependent on the team arranging this and I expect they will be able to give you an idea of time scales.
So sorry not to be specific but time scales do vary.
Kind regards