How can we support you in 2025?
In 2024, we ran special Ask the Nurse threads to open a space for you to ask questions about common topics that affect our blood cancer community.
So far we’ve covered fatigue, infection and eating well with blood cancer.
We’d love to know what other topics you would find helpful for us to cover in the future. Please select from the poll below, which is anonymous. Or feel free to comment if you have any other ideas.
- Coping with “watch and wait”
- Preparing for hospital stays
- Speaking with your medical team
- Looking after yourself as a carer
- Emotional support when in remission
- Work and finances
- Newly diagnosed and questions about your hospital team (who’s who?) and any other practicalities
- Blood cancer specific threads (ATN about MPNs, for example)
Thanks so much for your input and feedback into this.