
Jonpd Its good to hear that you are feeling better with less fatigue, reduction in spleen size and regaining some of your lost weight.

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Hi Erica,
Keep moving whilst you can, I seem to have come to a halt. Unfortunately my gallstones have decided to cause inflamation necessitating two days spent in hospital for tests. Apparently it will take 5 weeks to recover from. This bout.
Ihave a 26 page form to reapply for my higher rate attendance allowance, Age U.K. are helping me tomorrow. Sadly having the right jargon is useful when making a claim. Age U.K. are brilliant at it.
I am about to wheeze myself to bed having spent the trying to discover a no fat, nothing green diet. Somehow ended up with airfriedfish fingers and cauliflower for lunch.


Oh @Marylin thanks so much for posting.
Another challenge for you and a hospital stay, 5 weeks to recover too.
What, 26 pages to reapply for higher rate attendance allowance, I don’t believe it. Thank goodness for Age UK’s help and yes, the jargon of your replies are key.
That diet must be another challenge too!!!
Thank goodness for air fryers.
Please do let us know how you get on with all your challenges when you least need them.
Be kind and really look after yourself.

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