Just would appreciate some help x

Just wondering how you’re getting on @Mumlife


We have all been where you are now, wait & see is so frustrating l know. When l can feel anxiety washing over me l rationalise it by thinking…well if l was physically ill l’d be in hospital, l wouldnt be at home with my family enjoying my freedom, going out when l like etc., Be thankful for the positives. Just pottering about in the house with no need to go anywhere is bliss, have coffee breaks, sit & read for a spell, crosswords, chatting visiting friends. Also your body needs rest inbetween the chores. Ask for help from your husband & children dont wear yourself out. f you have a garden go out in it & catch some sunshine (depending on area you live this could be a challenge :grinning:.) Try deep breathing exercises, acupuncture, meditation all for free on youtube. Theres also videos on blood cancers by doctors from all over the world. Some ideas for you anyway do things to make you happy. Take care of yourself & let us know what the outcome is will you, until the appt put it to the back of your mind till then

When you do see the consultant l.d ask if your blood counts have improved or shown indication of a blood cancer.
Ask if you have anaemia (this can cause out of range bloods) & if so what treatment you need. (b12 injections).

Jot down any symptoms you may be having on so that you can tell him at the appt. Fatigue is a major one, night sweats, fever, itching skin, bleeding gums, weight loss.

You usually have a blood test prior to seeing him.

It may well be an infection & your bloods will go to normal its early days.

Keep your gp in the loop about it. He can give blood tests as well inbetween your consultants to check the no.s. & if you need aspirin, B12 for anaemia, other vitamins he will give them not your consultant.(in England).

Unfortunately the cause of whats woke up cancer in some people but remains dormant in others is unsolved/unexplored & from the patient aspect this is key to our mental health.


Hello! I have just read your thread and am wondering where you are now with your appointments and diagnosis 5 months later. I am a grandmother with ET, so much older than you. Of course things are worrying for those who are older, but in a different way from those of you who have young children and a life stretching ahead of you.

I do hope you have all the help you need. People here have given you some very good advice. I would only add to that, that if there is something you find totally absorbing and pleasurable, make some time to do it…even if only for short bursts. For me that has been a life saver as when I am totally absorbed, there is no room for anything else for that time, be it 5 minutes, or 5 hours.

I wish you well whatever is wrong. I do hope you get as many answers as you need, and have as much support as you need. All the best.