
Tips for a comfortable venesection…

Taking it easy both physically and mentally. Try not to be nervous or anxious or reflective of previous experiences esp the bad ones

Make sure you’ve had plenty to drink and had a decent meal beforehand… being hydrated is so important

Try not to be stagnant too much prior. Try and focus on blood circulation.

Make sure you’ve taken your meds particular any thinners.

Obviously venesection experience differs not just with people but each time you go for one.

They have a purpose and though they aren’t medication it is a treatment. Like others have said speak to your med team and make them aware of all your symptoms and side effects.

I now have to have a saline drip prior to help with my hydration. Couldn’t have my last venesection as tested positive to covid literally a few mins before having it.

Definitely empathise with you

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Thanks @Rammie18 for the support and advice. I do drink a lot of water every day to try and keep hydrated. I’m on aspirin and allopurinol which I take with breakfast everyday. Just been told by my GP that haematology have advised them that low iron is intentional and necessary. Would have been nice to have been forewarned.

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It’s a nightmare as most side effects are from low iron… my ferritin is 4… but there is nothing I can do that does make it counter productive to platelet count or hct level


Hi @Adw265 I have been thinking of you and I wondered if you have any updates.
Look after yourself.

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Hi @Erica thanks for getting in touch. I have had the last two weeks off work and no venesection for the last 4 weeks. The last two days I have felt much better so hopefully, should I have a venesection next week, it won’t affect me as much. I’m not due back at work until 28th November. When I return I shouldn’t need anymore time off.


Hi @Adw265 I am glad that you are feeling better, take it steady and pace yourself you and your body have been through a lot.