Acute undifferentiated leukaemia

Oh @SyrenStar I am so sorry to hear that your dad is now receiving palliative care at home and that arrangements are being made regarding a hospice place.
I am so glad that you felt able to share your experiences.
I think it is so natural that you are finding it very hard to deal with and if you were me you will have loads of conflicting thoughts and feelings that often find the space it whizz round at night.
You are so caring, please do try and look after yourself as well as you do your dad and please do keep posting how it really is for you. Love to you both

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Thank you Erica.
Just to provide completeness to this thread, I am sorry to share that my Dad passed away peacefully yesterday (4th February - poignant as it was also World Cancer Day).
He was being well cared for in a lovely hospice. It was peaceful and my mum and I were by his bedside as he took his last breath. Rest peacefully Daddy.

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Oh @SyrenStar I am so, so sorry to hear that you dad has passed away peacefully.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know.
You might both grieve very differently, there is no right or wrong way, give yourselves time.
We are still here for you and so is the Blood Cancer UK support line on 0808 2080 888
Be ever so so kind to yourselves and look after yourselves
Yes, rest peacefully Daddy xx