Hi @Nina,
A very warm welcome to the forum. I hope you’re doing okay?
Happy Transplant day. I would imagine you are feeling all sorts of things today and especially now you are in the unit and the process has begun.
I’m sure others going through and previously been through transplant will be able to share lots of great ideas that may help. In case it is useful i have linked below to a similar thread where previously many others have shared some of their coping ideas- Awaiting or considering or had a stem cell transplant, a place to share here - Going through treatment - Blood Cancer UK Forum
Also Nina this page from Anthony Nolan offers some practical tips which I’m certain you may have covered already- Your stay in protective isolation | Anthony Nolan
I wonder if this is a good time to pick up a new hobby of sorts or even share any great box sets or dramas of interest. I appreciate your concentration may be lacking somewhat so whatever you find helpful in passing the time, do be kind to yourself.
As always our support service team are on hand should you wish at any point to talk anything through- 0808 2080 888.
Take Care, Lauran