I am new to the group. Glad to be here. I was daignosed in early March with MM. I have been told that I am a candidate for stem cell transplant. I am scared and torn about doing it or not. I have been thinking about not doing it. The hospiral stay and quality of life are daunting. What are my chances if I dont.? I will be far away from my family and my pups. I have underlying issues like RA, FIBROMYALGIA, INDSTIAL LUNG DISEASE. All compromising my immune system already. I want to hear from anyone who did or decided not to.
I have been doing chemo, since late April.
Hello @Mrs.B,
Welcome to the forum, so glad you found us! I have no doubt you are going to get some fantastic support from the community here, there are lots of people here who have been in your shoes and will offer you their lived experience which will be so valuable.
The worries you have around your treatment options are completely normal and it will take time to process all the information. I would encourage you to write down all your worries and questions and have an honest conversation with your treating team at your next appointment. Do you have a clinical nurse specialist (CNS)? They would also be a great person to talk this through with.
I wanted to reply and say that our support service is here and should you ever want to talk with our team we would be very happy to go through things with you, all the ways you can contact us are on this link, How to contact Blood Cancer UK | Blood Cancer UK.
Give yourself lots of time, best wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)
Hi @Mrs.B I am so glad that you have found us, a great big welcome.
I really feel for you with your dilemma and I hope others will be able to share their experiences.
I cannot better @Heidi-J-BloodCancerUK response to you.
I find that the Blood Cancer UK support team are lovely for a chat.
Please do ask your medical team every fear, question and practicality you have.
I find sometimes I have to remind my team of all my other conditions, medical treatments, side effects, allergies, medications and support system.
Any decisions you make have to feel right for you.
Be very kind to yourself and I look forward to hearing more about you and what you decide.