Attending relatives funeral whilst going through chemotherapy

My husband has recently finished his first cycle of chemotherapy for ALL and unfortunately an immediate family member has suddenly passed away. My husband is due to start his second cycle of chemotherapy in just under two weeks which is no doubt going to coincide with the funeral. He has several worries, the first being that he may be unable to attend as the doctor advised it’s most likely an infection is picked up at this stage and he could end up being re-admitted to hospital during his cycle. The second is that if he can attend, in what format can he be a part of the funeral as he would have under normal circumstances been a pole bearer. The final is how is best to minimise risk of infection, should he be seated before everyone else comes in and leave before anyone else. Any help, advice or experience shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Oh @VirgoCarer such good questions, welcome to our forum.
I send my condolences to you both, please do not underestimate the emotional impact might have on you both, and perhaps in different ways, there is no right or wrong way to grieve.
Perhaps your medical questions should be addressed by your husband to his nurse contact, if he has one, or medical team that know his whole medical history and treatment plan and sooner rather than later in case it makes any difference to the organisation of the funeral arrangements.
No one can tell you what to do, but just personal thoughts perhaps if you do go it is a face mask, avoid contact with people, as much as you can, yes ,sit in an outer seat first, and stand in a corner, perhaps near a window and use lots of hand sanitiser/wipes and no hugging,
I hope others will share their experiences for you
I do not envy your dilemma and please do tell us what happens and keep posting

Thank you for your helpful thoughts and advice, it is truly appreciated. Yes I think we will call his specialist nurse today and see if she can help, then we can speak with family regarding arrangements. Thanks again.

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Hi @VirgoCarer
It is a risk at a funeral that hubby could pick something up especially with flu/covid/rsv etc about
These days funerals can be watched via zoom which is what I have done as I’m permanently immunosuppressed .

He could even attend the wake by FaceTime and maybe someone could drop a parcel off food so that he can feel part of the gathering

My brother recently represented me at my dear friends funeral
I watched the service via zoom and my brother dropped me off some sandwiches and cake that I had with a cuppa

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