Being investigated for myeloproliferative

Hi all I’m currently being invested for myeloproliferative . I was told what ever is wrong with me is a chronic illness that has been visible via my bloods since 2022. I’m feeling so scared and though I have been handed a death sentence.

I haven’t been given any other information other than I have elevated white blood cells .

I have had an ultrasound and everything with that was completely normal , they repeated all my bloods end of December and I’m currently waiting for my next haematology appointment on Valentine’s Day .

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A great big welcome @Charlotte1981 and I find it is the waiting and not knowing that is the worst thing.
The symptoms are often so generic that they are very difficult to diagnose if there is a problem and all tests are to rule things in or out.
I also have a chronic condition and I was diagnosed 21 yrs ago and I have never had any treatment.
I reckon all the feelings you are having are completely natural.
I know this is very hard but perhaps try and divert your mind and do nice things.
Please do let us know how you get on and be ever so kind to yourself