Blood Cancer Stories: CLL and the Clarity trial

Hi everyone! :wave:
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas with their friends and family. Can you believe it’s almost that time? it’s almost 2020! I hope you all have a super start to the new year :partying_face:
We thought, before we say goodbye to 2019, we would share with you news about the Clarity trial. Here is the full story:

For those of you who follow us on twitter, you may have already spotted us sharing the story a few days ago, but in case any of you missed it, here it is again!

We would love to hear your thoughts on this!
is anyone here affected by CLL? or know someone close to them who is? feel free to share your thoughts.

In the meantime, wishing each of you, and your loved ones, all the very best for 2020 :grinning: speak to you all soon!



Su, I have CLL and I have been an extremely lucky girl and I have been on watch and wait since diagnosis in 2003. Thanks for this link. I predict 2020 and beyond will be exciting times in trials, research and treatments into all blood cancers, other conditions, and not just CLL, and the Clarity trial is certainly leading the way.


Thanks @SuBloodcancerUK. I had flagged the article up on FB ambassadors page, but am useless at copying links


Thank you @Pisces56 :smiley: oh yes, I saw that on Facebook, thank you so much for taking the time to share!

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@Erica very true! it’s so very encouraging to read news like this! and as you say, fingers crossed, we will be hearing more great news like this for other types of blood cancer too! :smile: :+1:

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