Bone marrow transplant soon

Hi,I’ve not posted before but thought it time to share my story.I was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) last November and have been under the Marsden since then.Thankfully I’ve now got a perfect bone marrow match from the US,I live in London.My transplant is scheduled for 11th May and I’m now getting ready,starting shielding from next Friday.Lots of the information about hospital stays has been really useful as I prepare.Will update from time to time.Happy Easter everyone Alastair


Welcome Alistair to the forum - we will now be on board thinking of you as you start this treatment time - no doubt some will post who have had similar experience - but I wish you well - keep us posted


Hi@AlaistairC,Happy Easter to you too and welcome to the forum.That is such good news that you have a perfect bone marrow match and that you are all geared up and ready in prepatation for 11th May as @Jilly20 says there will be others on here with similar experiences to share with you and I wish you all the best and keep posting .

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Hi @AlastairC thanks so much for making the leap to posting.
Yes, there is a lot of posts on here about bone marrow transplant ‘journeys’. Scary times it is really happening now and great news that a perfect bone marrow match has been found from you and from the US.
If you would like to speak to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you and you are now really part of our forum family.
Please feel free to ask any questions, fears etc and others might be able to share their experiences.
Do you have any support from family and friends.
Yes, Happy Easter to you too and please do keep posting we will be thinking of you.

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Hi Alastair

I’d also like to welcome you to the forum and happy Easter too. I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but that’s great that you have a perfect match for your Stem cell transplant. I was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is 2018 but have been lucky that so far it’s being managed with biweekly GCSF injections.

Good luck with the Stem cell transplant and keep in touch. There is a great group of people here on the forum who are really supportive to one another.

All the best,



A warm welcome to you @AlastairC! I do hope you’re doing okay. You may have seen it already but I just wanted to let you know of this thread here too just in case it can be helpful for you - Awaiting or considering or had a stem cell transplant, a place to share here - Going through treatment - Blood Cancer UK Forum.
We also have a booklet here - Blood-stem-cell-and-bone-marrow-transplants-the-seven-steps-info-booklet.pdf ( which you might find useful. Wishing you all the very best with your transplant, we have everything crossed it goes as well as it can for you.


Hi @AlastairC. I too have Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) but i am 5 yrs diagnosed. I too am going for transplant but am waiting on my date and will probably be June. Wishing you all the luck in the world. Its a long procees but how lucky are we to have the opportunity. Stay in touch.


Hi,thanks for your kind messages they really mean a lot to me.I finish work this Friday,and will start shielding from Saturday.At this point I do feel a bit in limbo but aware that another 10 days and everything will start to happen.Will keep you all posted BW Alastair


I’ve been thinking about you @AlastairC and wondering how you are doing now?

Hi Erica,I’m ok at present.Went to Marsden today for my pre op Covid tests.Next visit is Wednesday I start chemo and have pic line inserted.Quite tired a lot now,still only 9 days to go.


Great to hear from you @AlastairC, gosh it is really happening now, scary times.
I find all medical appointments wear me out. I also get worn out by what personally stresses me out and when I overdo it emotionally, physically, medically and practically.
Yes, only 9 days to go, please look after yourself and post how you are doing when you can.

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Hi,quick update.On Wednesday I had my picc line inserted and started my chemo tablets.Thankfully I can take these all at home.Today I had my 72 hour pre operation Covid test.Now starting packing for Monday.At least the :sun_with_face::sun_with_face:is shining


Hello @AlastairC, enjoy the weekend sunshine and wishing you well for the transplant. Do keep in touch. Take care Gemma

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@AlastairC , your countdown is getting lower just the weekend to go now and your suitcase to pack.
I’ll be thinking of you loads and please keep posting when you can.
Take great care of yourself and may the sun continue shining on you.

Wishing you the very best Alastair.

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I remember that count down and transplant time. Keep positive, focus on how quick you will get out so that you mind helps your body recover. It’s a challenge to go through but I am now over a year from transplant and a lot of normal life is returning. Positive mind help my body rebuild no end
Best of luck


Thanks again for your kind messages.I booked in around 11.30 this morning.Just sat around reading now.My room is quite specious with an exercise bike already installed :flushed::+1::smile:


Oh thanks @AlastairC your photos look good, your room does look spacious and how do you feel about the exercise bike installing itself ready before you got there?
I always feel really tearful, lonely and isolated when I sit in a strange room on my own for the first time, I suppose the reality sets in.
Now we have the photos perhaps it can be like your forum family are there with you.
Keep posting.
How do others feel?

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Hello on day-1 I’m just finishing my pre transplant chemo.Saw my consultant earlier,she’s happy so far :+1::crossed_fingers:my new cells are here so everything happens at 11am tomorrow.If all ok they will split over 2 days,will make it easier and I’m strong enough at the moment.As always thanks for your support,with support from my family,friends and my extended family. (All of you ) I’m in a good place at the moment .BW


Gosh a busy day @AlastairC and good news that your consultant is happy so far and really pleased that you are in a good place.
Hopefully you will get some good sleep before tomorrow. Take care