CML diagnosis

Hi there i hope i can get some advice from here my husband who is 45 years old has just veen told he has Chronic myeloid leukaemia this comrs after he was feeling run down and isome diabetes symptoms
I persuaded him to go to the docs where they tuled put diabetes but done more tests as his cbc was hectic. After a PCR test ut has shown Chronic myeloid leukaemia he has been referred urgently to hematology on monday. Can anyone give me any advice on what to expect? He is otherwise healthy hood eater no worght loss etc. But im worried sick


Hi @Mags3511

Welcome to the forum, so glad you have posted. I can’t help with chronic leukaemia as my husband has the acute version but I want to reassure you that there are lots of posters here with experience who will be along in no time.

From a perspective of a family member, I just want you to know you can do this, and it’s normal to be worried sick. Deep breaths and take one moment at a time. You will find a new normal in no time and there are fantastic treatments available in 2024 with more being developed all the time.

Take care of yourself and as the news settles in, you will have more questions. Write these down and share these with your husbands care team including his consultant and his clinical nurse specialist. The care teams are here to help so make sure you use them. There are no silly questions.

Best wishes to you both.


Thank you so much :heart:

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Hi @Mags3511 welcome and I am so glad you have found us.
@Toadmum has given you a brilliant response.
Perhaps you are both in shock, it took me a long time for the shock to subside.
For me it was the not knowing and the waiting.
Yes, writing down all your fears, questions and practicalities for your husbands next appointment is great advice.
Perhaps you will both deal with the diagnosis differently, there is no right or wrong way.
Be ever so kind to yourselves
There is a lot of useful information on the Blood Cancer UK website, like employment rights dealing with fatigue etc. and the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you both on 0808 2080 888.
You obviously care so much about your husband but please look after yourself as well as you do your husband.
Please do keep posting.

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Im just so anxious about the next steps the doctor has said that Chronic myeloid leukaemia is treatable which is good but im still sock woth worry. Anxious about the stage etc thank you everyone for kind words


It is very treatable and the great thing is that it has been picked up which means you can do something about it and work out the best treatment plan.

I hope it will reassure you that if they were concerned urgently about your husband as an emergency, you would both be sat in the hospital right now in haematology and not allowed to wait till Monday. It is so tough waiting but try to remember that. This diagnosis does not change who your husband is, nor your life or you.

Allow yourself time to feel all of the emotions, be kind to yourself and take it easy.


Hi @Mags3511 I honestly think all your fears, anxiety, thoughts and feelings are so normal and not knowing and waiting are horrible.
I find that our forum is a place where I can share how it is for me safely.
Please do use us and keep posting and @Toadmum has given you another great response.

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Hi @Mags3511 and welcome to the forum.
I can see you have got some great responses already.
It must all be very overwhelming and happening so quickly.

The link above talks through what to expect both with appointments and support on managing the emotional impact on you all.
Your husband is lucky to have you by his side. Write down all of those questions, no question is to silly and take notes if you need to.
Please keep us updated on how you are all doing. We are all here for you x.

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