I am from India.I am recently diagonised with Chronic myeloid leukaemia.Initially my white blood cell count was around 6,00,000 before treatment.I was in ICU for 2 days and in general ward for 5 days .During discharge my white blood cell count was around 25,000.I am under medication of IMATINIB 400mg once a day .It has been 20 days after discharge .Now my white blood cell count is around 7500(Normal range 4000-11000).But my platelets have icreases to5.7 lakhs(Normal range:1.5 -4.5 lakhs).Is it a concern for high platelets .Has anyone had similar experiences.Kindly share
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Hi @raja yes, I hope someone will be able to share their experiences for you.
Perhaps ask your medical team their thoughts too.
Really look after yourself and be very kind to yourself
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