Consultations with specialist

Hi, i was diognosed in August with Folicular Lymphoma ,i saw the Dr who arranged 6 x1monthly chemo sessions, i am now on number 4, question is from August till December i have not seen or spoke to the Doctor, is this a mormal regime,
Many thanks,
Ivor Scott


Good morning @Ruby205 and welcome to the group. Wow, what a time to be diagnosed and going through treatment. How are you? I to have follicular lymphoma, but received radiotherapy 4 years ago, not chemotherapy. For the life of me, I can’t remember how many times I saw my consultant. However, I think, like you, I would be questioning it. I wonder, have you got a clinical nurse specialist you can contact? Mine was always so good at answering any questions I had and it might help to put your mind at rest.


Hi @Ruby205, a warm welcome to our forum, it must have been so lonely and isolating being diagnosed during Covid times. If there are two things that I have learnt is that I am entitled to question anything I am anxious about and there is nothing that is ‘normal’ at the moment.
We are all here to support you on this forum and it is a place where I can really say what it is like to be me. If you would like to talk to someone you can contact the Support Services Team on 0808 2080 888 (10am-7pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-1pm Saturday and Sunday) or via email at
Please let us know how you get on and take care you have gone through a lot in the last few months.


Hi @Ruby205. Any developments since you posted? Have you spoken or seen anybody from your team?

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Hope you are well @Ruby205?

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@Ruby205 so sorry to have only come across your question now! I hope your treatment is going as well as it can for you. Have you managed to speak to your Doctor yet?
It’s totally understandable you have questions around it’s normal to not see your Doctor for four months. This is something that may differ between hospitals. When you and your Doctor decided on your treatment plan, did they give you an idea of how often you would speak to them? Do you have opportunities to speak to your clinical nurse specialist/key worker to inform you how everything is going and so that you have the opportunity to voice any questions, concerns etc you may have? They’re equipped with information around your individual circumstances and treatment plan so do voice any questions and concerns you might have with them, including around what the normal timelines are for people to speak to their consultant.
Please do feel free to give us a call on our support line (0808 2080 888) if there’s anything we can do to support you.