Diffuse B Cell lymphoma

Hi there yesterday I was diagnosed with Diffuse B Cell Lymphoma. I have been on chemotherapy for six months and finished my treatment on 1st March 2020 and after having a CT scan on 25th March to show I was 99% clear so was sent for a PET scan on 6th April only to find it was all through my body again as it is very aggressive.
I’ve been pur on very strong chemo with stem implants (hopefully being done). Has anyone else gone through this and was it successful. Thank you Ann

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Hello @Ann2 and I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to hear you are back on treatment.
I hope someone will be able to share their experiences for you.
How are you dealing with it all emotionally and practically?
Do ask your medical team all your fears, questions and practicalities.
The Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888
Be kind to yourself and please do keep posting