Does anyone feel worse being on medication than not being?

It has been a great help to read about choices Erica. I wasn’t sure I had any to begin with, but it seems I may have at least an input. Writing down questions is SO important isn’t it! Impossible for me to to remember all otherwise as well!

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I think I’m at the point in my life where I just say yes to any treatment and take the risk, but I know it’s not as easy as that for some people who have got familial and other responsibilities. I hope it all works out.


I hope your November Appt goes well. Mine is on the 10th. I got a bit spooked when realising mouth ulcers and a sore throat could be a common side effect of the Hydroxycarbamide. Such a side effect would not be compatible with teaching singing. And leg ulcers also could be a problem as I have Lymphoedema in my left leg. Of course I could stop teaching, but not sure I am ready to do that. I am otherwise on half a state pension, so the extra 5 students helps to supplement the pension. Questions, questions! Sometimes I feel very remote from all that is happening…as if it is happening to someone else. An odd feeling!!


Thank you @Erica! Slowly finding my way around this page! Art and music are certainly part of my grandchildren’s lives - and they are/were so much easier to look after now they are at secondary school. I must say it is very helpful having this forum…even if I don’t get on very often.


Thank you @Franko. Such an unexpected journey!

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Yes @Modesigns I find this forum very helpful and supportive too and you can dip in and out when you want to.
How lovely to be able to be part of your grandchildren’s lives as they grow up.
Look after yourself as well as I am sure you look after your grandchildren.

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