ET JAK2 wth pre fibrotic myelofibrosis

Feeling very down - horrendous recurring headaches - just want to die - other issues - stenosis and compression of foraminal nerves in lower spine - have had previous major spinal surgery now awaiting injection treatment - two knee replacements and awaiting surgery for shoulder op. A couple of weeks ago after flu jab not sure its coincidental my inner arm from my elbow to wrist has lost sensation - a bit like numbness when you go to dentist and it’s wearing off but its permanently there. I’m sorry I’m moaning but I have had enough yes I have good days but they are few - we have recently moved to country - and I should be enjoying my time - lots of decorating to do but no strength to do it. The headaches the bone pain are really getting me down

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Oh @Jola13 you have so much going on at the moment and you have recently moved to the country as well.
Thanks so much for having the courage to post your really honest post
I did not feel you were moaning you were just saying how it is for you at the moment.
Firstly the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Do you have any support you say ‘we’ have recently moved?
Have you moved away from friends etc?
If you were to need them The Samaritans are there for you on 116 123
I’ve been thinking and I get a great low after moving, although I am also happy to have moved, conflicting feelings.
As for all your medical problems and debilitating symptoms have you had to move your medical facilities as well?
Perhaps a visit to your (new) GP might help you too.
Perhaps tell them as you have in your post to us.
You are part of our forum family and be ever so kind to yourself and look after yourself and please do keep posting how you are doing

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Dear @Jola13
We have read your post and really wanted to check that you were safe as your words were very concerning? Do you have anyone at home with you to help manage your pain and support you? We can hear that you are experiencing extreme pain and want to encourage you, like @Erica has done in her post, to talk to your GP or your treatment team as soon as possible. If your pain is unmanageable I would suggested calling 111 or 999 to get immediate help.
If you would like to call us on the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Please do ask for help in managing your pain as it sounds extremely overwhelming.
Take good care


Hi Erica Thank you -we are still with our old GP in Harrow plus the Haemo in Harrow too. I was going to call my specialist nurse today but had to vent sorry. Am lying in bed in our RV parked in drive as house is not ready. Only kitchen and lounge is ok. We were excited about moving away from London and it was a long time coming. Finances to refurbish were hit by complicated sale and let downs so everything is taking time. We had to apply for a lifetime mortgage. So lots going on. I had to take a Maxalt for my headpain. I will send a text for my nurse to call me xxxx

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Oh @Jola13 wow, you really have got so much on your plate.
I cannot imagine what it is like for you living in your RV parked on the drive of your new house.
People often do not talk about financial issues, but for me when they are issues I get very scared.
I also do not deal with what personally stresses me well since my diagnosis, it gets all too much and my fatigue sets in.
Please do not apologise to me for not calling your specialist nurse, you can only take on so much.
@GemmaBloodCancerUK has given you a great response, be ever so kind to yourself and please do keep posting.

Hi Erica
Spoke with Nurse he told me To go to A & E which I will do tomorrow as the pain should be more controlled. The head pain needs to be checked out to rule out a bleed. I will go tomorrow morning now. Yes I am the same with financial things but tend to blot them out, as I would spiral out of control emotionally. We will get there - I just need to get this pain under control. Have a good weekend.

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Good idea to go to A&E @Jola13 please do let us know how you get on.
Perhaps if it gets worse go to A&E asap.
Be kind to yourself