Functional medicine practitioners

Hi, has anyone ever used a Functional medicine practitioner? It’s private healthcare and is chargeable, but they supposedly give you advice on supplements etc that you should be taking with specific types of blood cancer.
Any feedback appreciated.
Thanks, Shell

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Hi @Shell33 good to hear from you again.
This is a very personal, not a medical reply, but your question is the sort of one I would ask my NHS medical team as I do not make any changes or additions to my diet that might alter my blood counts and medications.
Please do let us know how you get on and really just be kind to yourself.

When thinking about any supplements it should be run past your team
Some supplements can interact with chemo and or blood
Personally I wouldn’t waste my money

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Hi @Shell33,

Thanks for your post. Just wanted to add to the helpful responses from @Erica and @2DB, by providing some more information around this.

This sounds like a type of complementary therapy, so I wanted to make you aware of the information we have on on our website around this: Complementary and alternative therapies | Blood Cancer UK

As Erica suggests, it’s important to discuss any complementary therapies, like supplements, with your medical team to check if they are safe for you. They should also be able to advise around whether there is any evidence to show they can help with your symptoms or side effects from treatment.

I hope this is useful, but if we can be of any further help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Support Services Team: Blood cancer information and support by phone and email | Blood Cancer UK

Best wishes,