Hi, I’m an ALL patient! I’ve completed my main treatment and now I’m in 2 year maintenance phase! Before the diagnosis and the chemo, My hair was very thicker and straight. After the chemo and the hair regrowth after hairfall, my hair type totally changed from thick to thin hair and it’s now curly and wavy! It was about to happen for chemo I knew that!
My question is, after i finish my maintenance of 2 years, I’ll no longer be having any medications! So after 4-5 years, if i trim my entire head and go bald, and start growing hair again so will I get back my previous hair like it was before diagnosis? Or will it always be curly
Note: I asked bcz i thought if chemo and other medicines got rid from my body after 4-5 years, so i thought ill get back my previous hair type!
Will it happen?
Hi @tahmidmahi a very good question which I do not know the answer to. Perhaps your medical team might have a better idea.
Please let us know how you get on.
Hi @tahmidmahi, a very good question and for me if I have not personally experienced something similar I cannot answer your question.
The other thing is the fact that we are all unique beings, different ages, with individual medical histories, family histories, medications, treatment plans etc.
I am on this forum because I enjoy the interaction with others, support, the information and realising I am not alone in having a blood cancer.
I find people on this forum often understand me better than my family and friends can who do not have a blood cancer.
I hope that answers your question.
If you would like to talk to someone you can contact the Support Services Team on 0808 2080 888 (Mondays: 10am-7pm, Tuesdays-Fridays: 10am-4pm, Saturday, Sundays and Bank Holidays: 10am-1pm) or via email at support@bloodcancer.org.uk
Take care and stay safe and I look forward to hearing more about you.
Hi @tahmidmahi, sorry to hear you’re feeling this way - it’s really good you’ve asked this question as others may be able to tell you what happened in their own individual circumstances. As this forum is a place for peer to peer support for people affected by blood cancer and not a place for medical advice, we wouldn’t be able to tell you what your hair will be like in 4-5 years time, but it’s so understandable that you’re keen to know the answer to this. This website has some general information which you might find helpful, New hair growth commonly asked Questions & Answers - Cancer Hair Care but also, as @Erica Erica says above, you might want to speak to your medical team too about what to expect.
Hi - This also happened to a friend of mine and she had really curly hair. Once it was cut a few times it straightened out again, she said it was something to do with the drugs she was given,