Have you taken part in a clinical trial?

How did you get involved?
What was the experience like?
What advice would you give to others?

Feel free to share your experience with others :point_down:


Im currently on the mahogany trial, which combines tablets and chemo
Lenalidomide tablets for 3 weeks and 6 cycles of chemo (1 per week for the first cycle then every 4 weeks) with retuximab i was invited on the trial after relapsing 12 months after finishing my first treatments finished
Feeling very fatigued and also nauseous during my trial ive just finished my 1st cycle so hopefully things will be easier going forwards definitely see a reduction in my swellings which is a good sign
So far all in all the trial has been hard but good jyst hope it continues
Will update on here as my trial progresses
Best wishes to all who are currently undergoing treatment

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Hi @Parmy63 welcome and thanks for telling us about your trial, please do keep updating us.
Really look after yourself

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