Hi - i have low risk Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) which isnt really impacting my life fortunately.
However i recently injured my shin on my leg slipping off my bike pedal.
5 weeks later my leg still isnt healing well at all and is being looked by nurses.
My question is - has anyone else with low platelets experienced an issue with slow (non) healing skin?
Hi @Simonbond611 good to hear from you again.
Sorry to hear about your bike mishap.
However I am so glad that your nurses are looking after you, mine were so good to me when I had an op on my head.
It took ages to heal, I was told it was because of my compromised immune system.
However I have another blood cancer and we are all have different medical history. I was also told it takes longer to heal the older we get. Grrrr.
However it is worth checking it out with your nurses who should know your medical history.
I do not make a patient patient.
Please do let us know how you get on, be kind to yourself and keep posting
Hello @Simonbond611
I’m sorry to hear about your shin injury - ouch! Pedals can be quite vicious! I have personal experience and so quickly changed my metal ones to plastic when I got a new bike (and take more care!).
You’re right, your healing will be compromised by lower platelet counts. Their function is to head to an injury site and form a ‘mesh’ or scab whilst the skin repairs itself. If you have fewer platelets this process will take longer.
Have you recently had blood tests?
It may be worth contacting your GP or Haematology team if you think you may need your wound assessing, as there are some very ‘clever’ dressings nowadays that can help with wound healing, and certainly contact them if you think it may be infected.
Also a pharmacist may be able to recommend creams or dressings too.
Let us know how things go. Take care, Heidi.
This is great to know @Heidi_BloodCancerUK, thank you for sharing your expertise.
And thank you for raising this @Simonbond611—although, of course, I’m sorry that you were injured to begin with. Hopefully your shin is showing improvement?
I’ve noticed cuts and nicks and other skin injuries taking longer to heal these days and wondered what aspect of my Polycythaemia vera (PV) or its treatment was causing that. Checking recent blood tests I see my platelets have been lower than usual too. Thanks again, Nurse Heidi
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I’ll see how this weeks’ check up goes and consider talking to the haematology team if it still feels like it’s going to take forever to heal.
Ironically I had a blood test the week I did the injury and it was one of my better ones of the last 18 months.
Best wishes.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.