Mgus for the brave

Hi everyone my name is Martin and was diagnosed with Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) less than year ago - my serum paraprotein level was 4.2 and low risk and now I’ve progressed to 5.5 and now intermediate risk already - does this seem like a big increase in such a short time - I am 53 next week , I told my family initially but decided not to tell them that the levels increased as I don’t want them worrying.


Hi @Martandsue3000 welcome to our forum, and your post sounds as if you are anxious, which personally I think is natural because you just don’t know.
Perhaps your next stage is to talk to your specialist nurse or consultant who know you and your whole medical history.
Perhaps at that point you can decide if you need to tell your family anything.
You are not alone you are part of our forum now, but unfortunately we can only share our experiences and not give medical advice, only your medical team can do that.
Just try and enjoy your 53rd birthday, a very happy birthday for next week and please do keep posting as I look forward to hearing more about you.


Thanks and yes I’m anxious and not sleeping, I’m awaiting an appointment with a specialist at the hospital but apparently it could be 8 months to be seen.

I’ll try and enjoy my birthday so thank you


Hi @Martandsue3000 have you got a contact for a specialist nurse.
Perhaps your GP could assist or the haematology ward.
Look after yourself

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Hi Martin, sorry to here your news, last year i was diagnosed with Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), and shortly thereafter diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (smouldering at present). Everyone is different, what i will say is that when i found out about the Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) i told my family, and kept them in the loop at every turn. Only so that if it did progress it wasn’t a shock to them. Unfortunately it did, but i found talking about ot helped me massively. I’d keep pushing your GP etc, for a sooner appointment, if for no other reason that to reduce stress for yourself. It’s a difficult time for you, and fingers crossed it will pass, and you will learn to deal with it as best you can.


Thank you and I will push for a sooner appointment, apparently my doctor referred me the wrong way - the hospital asked my doctor to refer me but he’s done it like I’m a new patient when I’m not so we will see.
Yeah I just need to speak to them at the hospital- it’s them that wants me to start seeing a specialist and not my doctor- there may be things going on I don’t know about.

But maybe your right maybe I do need to speak to my close family I just worry about my mum who’s 80 years old

Stay strong don’t let it beat us

Thank you for replying it means a lot


Dear @Martandsue300
Welcome to the forum, I am glad you found us and felt able to share a little about yourself. I am sorry you have had a bit of a shock with your paraproteins going up a little. The best thing at this stage would be to see the haematologist for their opinion and it sounds as though the wheels are in motion with this. Until you see the haematologist it will be difficult to know what these results mean so I encourage you to take one hurdle at a time.
Try to enjoy your birthday.
Our support line is open and you would be welcome to contact us if you would like to talk this through, our number is 0808 208 0888.
Best Wishes, Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)


Ciao Martin. I had the same kind of jump in the monoclonal component last year. When I’d taken that blood test it was right before or after (I can’t remember now) having pneumonia. By the next time (4 months later) I had follow up tests - the component was only a bit higher than before I was sick. It may be something like that. It’s difficult to know for sure, and it’s so important to take the best care of you possible. I spent hours and days when consumed with worry, reading and searching. This forum is a great place to share. Vent as needed, etc… but it’s good to be able to express worries and concerns with others who can relate. The people have helped me so much in a good way.
Take good care! Eat well, live with smiles and if you can find a sense of humor in even what a pet is doing… it helps tremendously.
(I will shut up now) :grin:


No thank you and it means a lot from anyone that replies to me, yes I’ve been off work actually the last 11 weeks with stress and anxiety caused by bullying at work maybe and a was poorly for at least a week and the way I felt it could have been COVID so I guess all these factors may have played a part

I have got a sense of humour and try to find things to laugh at in life - I have a great family and 2 young funny dogs

But I’ve made it my mission to cut down on the alcohol now - I don’t smoke and I do go gym most days - just the beer that lets me down to be fair lol

But thank you and thank you all - stay strong

I hope all the good people on here find the strength to keep fighting :heart:


Thank you for your kind words and support