Recently we have been looking at moving because my fatigue and lack of balance makes it impossible to get upstairs unaided some days to the point where I currently sleep on the sofa, this has been made more urgent by our current landlord deciding he wants to sell the house.
Initially we went to all the Scottish housing associations and providers of mid-market rent properties because we don’t want to have to deal with private rent landlords again as we’ve been burned far too many times, however finding a suitable property that way in a housing crisis is going to take a miracle.
This week we bit the bullet and starting hunting for private rent places as well and this is where the problem lies. Moving into a private rent has never been a problem for us before as I have good credit history and good references from previous landlords but now because our main income is disability benefits private landlords are also asking for a guarantor, this is a new thing for us and not something we can provide as we are a tiny family of three with no relatives. Does anyone know of a way around the guarantor problem, are there organisations that can help?