Diagnosed inthe last week with CMLafter a routine blood test which was shocking as had no symptoms. They are letting me start treatment at end of month as I am off to see my family in NZ. Think I’ve come to terms with it now and hoping treatment will be positive.
Dear @pammy
We are sorry to hear about your diagnosis of Chronic myeloid leukaemia. It sounds like it was discovered very early so I am pleased it allows you to travel to see your family in New Zealand.
We are very happy you have the forum and we hope you find it a safe, informative and supportive space.
We do have some information on Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) | Blood Cancer UK which we hope may be useful and do keep in touch here on the forum.
If you should wish to talk to one of us over the phone you are very welcome too: Blood cancer information and support by phone and email | Blood Cancer UK
Kind regards
Hi @pammy welcome to our forum and I am glad that you have found us so quickly after your shock diagnosis.
@GemmaBloodCancerUK has given you a brilliant reply but I just wanted to add my experiences.
I was also diagnosed as a shock at this time of the year,
I was in complete shock and I felt in a weird bubble with the world celebrating around me.
It took me a long term to come to terms with my diagnosis, I came straight home and wrote my will and funeral music, that was 21 yrs ago.
I would say be very kind to yourself, enjoy being with your family in NZ.
Don’t forget as we are on line you can post from anywhere in the world and I really look forward to hearing more about you and how you are getting on.
Thank you for your replies. I’m in NZ now doing lots of walks etc. jet lagged so I am feeling tired. Am feeling positive about the treatment when I get home but anxious about the side effects.
Hi @pammy In New Zealand how wonderful.
Your last sentence sound so natural to me, I reckon the unknown is scary.
We will be here for you if you need us, but please do keep posting how you are, you are never alone on here.
Enjoy your walks, I am a great walker, a great occupation for a nosey person like me.
Be very kind to yourself