Platelets rising

Was diagnosed with Essential thrombocythemia (ET) in November 23 put on Asprin my platelet s was 755 now risen to 975 will i need other medication,.


Hi @Erin I am so glad that you posted, welcome.
It is a good question, but really one for your medical team as they make treatment option decisions on so many different aspects, we are all very unique, complex beings.
Please do let us know what they decide.
How are you doing in yourself?
I have found that my emotions have been on high alert ever since I was diagnosed and there are also the practicalities to take into account.
I look forward to hearing more about you, really look after yourself.


Hello @Erin

Welcome to the Forum. I hope you’re doing okay.
Unfortunately we just can’t say if you will need another medication, there are so many factors to consider, and it’s so individual. Some people with lower counts do have other medication and some with high counts, like yourself, stay on aspirin only.
When do you next have an appointment with your Haematologist, so you can ask about your platelet counts and possible treatments.
Your Haematology team will be best placed to advise or discuss your platelet counts, and the time scale of this increase, as well as your other medical history, risk factors, symptoms, medications, lifestyle, etc, etc.
Do take someone with you to the appointment, so they can make notes for you, if needed, and offer support.
Please keep us posted and take care. Heidi.


Hi Heidi im seeing my consultant on 4th of July, so il get all my questions ready, take care and thank you xx


Hi Erica im doing fine a bit tired and bad night sweats, it s just trying to get my head round it mentally, i will let you know how i get onwen see consultant in july, hope you are keeping well yourself xx


Hi @Erin and a big welcome to the forum.
I can see you have already been given good advice by Erica and Heidi.
Great idea to get all of those questions ready for your appointment in July, I still do it and never leave until I’ve asked them all!
The emotional side of things is sometimes just as difficult as the physical effects of treatment. It takes time, and there will be good and not so good days along the way. Just take it a day at a time.
Please keep posting and letting us know how you are doing. There is always some one here to listen.
Take good care of yourself :blush:


Thankyou Nichola i will xx

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