Sick and tired of hearing about freedom day

I have echo everyone’s concerns… I also don’t like reading or seeing people who are also in the extremely clinically vulnerable group saying they are glad freedom Day has come like they vouch for all of us…

It doesn’t help that in a recent poll over 70% are ditching masks even though many places will still be asking for people to keep distance and wear masks.

I know things need to return to pre covid times but this is just a bit to quick for me. It’s like if you have just had a blood test and the nurse straps that cotton ball with tape on your arm and it’s time to take it off… some prefer a swift quick waxxing approach but I’m like slow is better.

I know we are a minority (something I have much experience of being) but I’ll continue to be cautious as I’ve done so well avoiding the virus which I don’t put on luck but more my new found stronger “I will put myself first” approach and not be afraid to say no or be adamant in not doing something I’m not comfortable doing.

It’s going to be tough the next few weeks, but I feel ignorance and recklessness will be regretted with current signs

Take care everybody… you and your needs do matter.


Hi @Rammie18 don’t forget we on our forum and the support line are here for you.
Take care of yourself


Always do which is why I never feel alone :slight_smile:


Hi @Ismo.
Really glad you posted. It really is a supportive forum for sharing experiences and for having an understanding of what each other are going through.
I feel very vulnerable at the moment. It’s good not to feel alone though. Often people just don’t understand.
Take care of yourself. Hope to hear more from you :blush:

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I feel like that at the moment @Rammie18. I was to worry that I was making a fuss and about what everybody else though but I’m past that now. My safety is the most important, and yes, I will put me first as well :blush:


Absolutely right to continue to be cautious and take no notice of the idiots who say people need to get over their nervousness and get back into society. I am not nervous, anxious or risk averse I just don’t want to die or be hospitalised which seems quite a reasonable attitude to me. Give me a fully fit l person’s response to the vaccine and I’ll socialise with the best of them though I hope I’d be more conscious of the needs of others. Not everybody can be cautious though and some with poor or no antibody responses will be forced back into the workplace or risk losing their jobs and some people will get sick and some will die unnecessarily becasue others did not exercise care. I too have experience of being “other” being part of a minority and that experience suggests we do need to speak out and support each other.


Hi @Ismo. I had to return to work in a primary school in March and it’s been so stressful. Holidays start next week so that’s my saving grace for now! Couldn’t agree more - we need to support each other!


It’s become pretty obvious by now that freedom day is nothing of the sort. Virus cases are up. Hospitalisations are up. Deaths are up. All that’s changed is that the government have placed the onus on whether to follow any restrictions on us so that they can blame us if it all ends badly (which it looks almost certain to do). We’re back to the indecision and chaos that we got at the worst part of last year.


Hi Nicola I am sorry that you had to compromise your safety if you have limited or no antibody response. I am supporting a colleague who cannot return to face to face work as she has no antibody response to the vaccine owing to another condition the employer is threatening dismissal on incapacity grounds. She is a single parent with no close family in the UK if anything happened to her her children would go into the care system but if she does not go in how does she support her family, Sometimes feel we are regressing to Victorian times.


Sorry to be a pessimist, but when you have an MP like the oleaginous pole-climber we have, writing is a waste of keyboard time. He just gets a minion to parrot the Tory party line word for word. We have to recognise that there just aren’t enough of us to make a difference to election results in any constituency, so we can be brushed under the carpet. No idea what we can do at that level, but at a local level we can be vocal in explaining our position and if, in the process, we lose friends, that’s probably a price worth paying. If they get offended, they probably weren’t particularly good friends anyway.


Hi @DickM, As restrictions have eased I felt quite pressurised by some friends to come out and play and yes, it was tempting, but I agree with you if my friends are not going to listen to my point of view then I shall emerge on my terms when I feel it is the right time for me and I shall also wonder if they are true friends.
Isn’t it annoying that we cannot control others actions !!


Just seen this from New York Times. Seems the USA may be acting more sensibly than the UK, though that’s not difficult.


Thanks @DickM, interesting.

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Well said @DickM . I just wonder who the Government is actually being advised by. It doesn’t appear that it’s health experts anymore. Worst death rate and ecomomic position in Europe. How can this situation carry on with these incompetent murderous buffoons at the helm?


I’m so sorry to hear your frustration, though it’s completely understandable. You’re certainly not alone in these concerns. Please be assured we will continue to highlight the issues of the blood cancer community to the government and their scientific advisors . We recently teamed up with other organisations to send a brief to MPs, calling for the immunocompromised/immunosuppressed community to be considered as the country gets back to normal, and included our key asks of the Government. We’re only at the end of the phone if you want to talk anything through so please do give us a call.


Thanks @Alice_BloodCancerUK you’re doing a brilliant job in voicing our concerns and anxieties and it’s much appreciated.


Hi Irene
Just finding out about different ffp3 masks, from Darth Vader specials to simple disposables as I have every intention of wearing them in public from now on as the only practical response I can think of. Not decided yet but screw fix looks promising.


Hi @Lance a great big welcome to our forum and you have already shown the value of the forum.
You definitely share the feelings of many others on our forum. We cannot control what others do out there but perhaps we can do the best to protect ourselves.
Please let us know which mask you decide on.
I quite fancy the Darth Vader look !!!
I will have a look at the screw fix one, thanks.
I look forward to hearing more about you.


Hi @Lance and welcome to the forum. Let us know which mask you decide on - I’ll definitely be wearing them in public and at work! Hope to hear more about you :blush:


my sister sent me some FF3 disposables they turned out to be pink! Don’t know why perhaps they are a statement? granddaughter on zoom says when I showed her “You look like a pink iced bun Omi” but I now have 20 so will use.