Arhhh …. Excited this morning to wake for my last day at work before I finally finish for Christmas. Meanwhile my husband spent a very uncomfortable night hot and cold. Felt very unwell today so the inevitable test was done … yes he has covid - noooo
Unbelievable…. He tested positive on Christmas Day last year so we had a very separate Christmas and here we go again ! Spent today cancelling plans we had to spend with friends and family.
Boo not withstanding am I going to get it !! I didn’t last time but who knows!
So sorry to read this, Jules. I hope your husband feels better quickly, you remain Covid free and you both manage to make the best of such a rotten situation.
Hi @Jules ,
I am so sorry to hear this! I hope your poor husband is doing okay and equally you are not feeling too down either?
We appreciate how disappointing this must be and it must very much feel like Deja vu for you all.
I hope you are still able to enjoy some Christmas treats and perhaps rearrange those much anticipate gatherings with friends & family, but most importantly stay well.
Please do know should you need to have a chat, we are here for you in any capacity we can be.
Take Care, Lauran
Thanks both I have tested and I am negative thankfully. I am hoping 6 vaccines, 1 antibody treatment and having had covid I might be immune - fingers crossed - happy Christmas everyone.
Oh @Jules as Victor Meldrew would say ‘I don’t believe it’.
So sorry for both of you and I hope your husband feels better soon and your husband tests negative soon and you continue to test negative.
You must be so disappointed and I bet it is a boo hoo really.
Please keep updating us.
Sending you virtual hugs xxxx
Oh, @Jules, what rubbish luck! My husband has covid too, but we were always going to be spending Christmas separately this year as he’s at sea - so not quite as disappointing as having to cancel long-anticipated plans. Let’s hope they both make a speedy and full recovery - and I hope you can somehow eek some fun out of the day. X
Well happy covid Christmas !
But wow what an amazing fantastic fabulous NHS service we have. I reported my results at around 930 this morning and by 1030 they have phoned regarding providing me with anti virals - just fantastic- thank you NHS

Oh blimey, @Jules - it just gets worse. Am so sorry. But yes, at least you have had an amazing NHS response, and on Christmas Day too. I hope neither of you feel too unwell, and can perhaps manage at least a few chocs. And you can give your husband a Christmas hug now. Happy Christmas, and I hope you both do ok. X
Oh @Jules what rotten luck for you both. I have only just read your post. When you are better perhaps you can create your own Christmas time. Christmas day varies throughout the world according to the time zone, so why not set a date for all your family to get together and celebrate. It will give you something to look forward to while you are feeling rotten. Get well soon and take care of yourself.
What a really great idea @Chris1.
Hi @Jules thinking about you loads, how are you both doing now?
Look after yourselves
This Xmas us definitely not going to plan.
I tested podutive this morning. One question I have is cab people with MGUS access antevirals and how do you access this?
Feeling fine at one moment, except fir a slight temperature and my knee is more painfuk than normal.
I wish evetyine else who has caught Covid, or one of the other nasty bugs no circulating, a speedy recivery.
Apologied fir the awful typing cannot see properly due to night eye ointment. Makes everything blurry.
I can’t answer your question @helenfwallace , but I hope you get the antivirals and feel better very soon. What bad luck!
Hi everyone thanks all for this your kind thoughts and messages.
My husband and I are already booked for a short break in January to celebrate five years of my cancer journey and no reoccurrence:) so we only said yesterday that we also make up for Christmas then too.
After an amazing response re antiviral treatment from the covid response team getting the drugs from the Hosp pharmacy has been less smooth. Day five tomorrow and not yet had them so feel it pretty pointless now as I am coping ok. They should have sent Boxing Day , then yesterday. I’ve called again this morning, hoping the taxi hasn’t delivered to the house around the corner same road name but we live in the close and that is the road they get our deliveries often .
Hope you are all well. As it turns out I may have just been save from the dreaded noro virus everyone at my mums has been sick with that since Christmas Day my saying in life everything happens for a reason !
Hi @helenfwallace, thank you for your post and I’m so sorry to hear you’ve tested positive for covid. I do hope you’re doing okay and that you are on the mend soon.
We have some information on this process and antiviral eligibility here- Antibody and antiviral treatments for people with blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK. Although MGUS is not listed as one of the conditions, there are other conditions (including non-blood cancer related) that may mean a person is eligible for the antivirals. The full government guidance including a bit about these conditions is here- Defining the highest-risk clinical subgroups upon community infection with SARS-CoV-2 when considering the use of neutralising monoclonal antibodies (nMABs) and antiviral drugs: independent advisory group report - GOV.UK (
The process would be to first register your positive test online (Report a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result - GOV.UK ( or by calling 119. We do also recommend informing 111/your team if you think you might be eligible.
I hope this is helpful but please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support line if you’d find it easier to talk any of this through at all, Helen (0808 2080 888).
Best wishes,
Hi@helenfwallace ,when I had covid in the Summer Myeloma UK and BCUK advised me that MGUS wasnt on the list for MGUS.
Sorry to hear that you have tested positive ,just rest up take it easy.
I had a raised temp ,sore throat head full of cold,it worked its way through seemed like every part of me was affected.Looking back I would have rested more.
Hope your symptoms arent too bad
Oh no @Jules ,what a carry on ,I do hope you get your antivitals soon and yes you have been saved from the dreaded noro virus .I can guarantee you definitely wouldnt want that,3 years ago I picked it up on a family Christmas.Hope you are doing feeling better.
Morning @helenfwallace sorry to hear you are sharing the Christmas covid club with me . We should think of a song for the Friday juke associated with sharing at Christmas:) as covid has certainly been shared this Christmas!
Hope you are not feeling too bad. As I’ve said in my earlier post I think six vaccines a previous bout of covid and previous antibodies treatment is keeping it down . I am managing ok. Just feel run down very very heavy cold. Hopefully you are much the same?
Thank you very much for the information @Tanya. I read through the information and MGUS is specifically excluded, but it is good to know where one stands.
I did report the test result. Although this was much more tricky than I expected. It would seem that you can only report Government supplied tests. Fortunately I have a few of those kits left and a orphan test cassette.
Thanks for your help,
Hi @Bannanacake, many thanks for your good wishes. Mine started with a tickly throat and hoarse voice and joint pain was noticeably worse than. This morning I had drippy nose, a cough, and a raised temperature. Hope it goes away soon.
Love Helen