AFP Marker

AFP Marker Help-

Hi everyone, so around two years ago I went to the hospital regarding my breasts. Everything was fine regarding them but while I was there they did three bloods tests. One of them was AFP marker and that came back raised at 180 kU/L. So had all scans around my liver and testicles etc but nothing was found. They did another test about 6 months later and it was 212 kU/L but they had meetings with other specialists and discharged me as they couldn’t find anything. At the time I just wanted to be told I was okay and I was too scared to face anything so that’s why I trusted them and never visited this issue again until now. I’ve been getting very bad night sweats for the past 3 months at least so went back to doctors and they did blood tests but never found anything wrong. My TSH (Thyroid) was just over the range but other tests came back fine. So I requested to have my AFP done again a year and a half year after my last one and it’s just come back at 80kU/L way over the normal range still. Should I be worried? I know it’s come down but to me that’s not the point I’ve had a high AFP marker now for two years. What could be wrong?

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Hi @Stozzy2001 welcome, an interesting question, but it really is one for your medical team.
At your next appointment or if that is too far away, you might want to ask to speak to someone sooner.
I find waiting and not knowing raises my anxiety.
I find it helps me to write down all my questions before the appointment.
I also have to ask for answers sometimes that I can understand.
Please do let us know how you get on and really look after yourself.

Hi Erica, thank you for your response. To be truthful I’m actually very relaxed about the whole situation. I just want an answer but I feel speaking to my consultant he doesn’t have the answers for me. However I’ve just had a CT scan of my abdomen and chest so maybe something will show up this time. But I just thought maybe someone has been in a similar situation as me.

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Hi Beredis, I totally agree! This time I am going to keep pushing and if this consultant doesn’t give me the answers I want I will go see an oncologist.