Any news about authorisation of the preventative antibody treatment from the PROVENT study?

Hi Carole. Put it this way there is a consensus around the world in USA Canada Israel that this DOES work in the sub types of omicron. Even if it needs a higher dose. And anecdotally I’ve heard for example of one large blood cancer clinic in the USA ther havr injected 200 of their patients and had only 2 get covid. And crucially those two only had it mildly. Just like the vaccines even if you get break through infections it seems you are much less likely to have severe disease. To me it’s really clear. This is the best protection available to us and would clearly reduce the likihood of us having covid. But even if we did get covid we can still use the antivirals at that point. It is miselesding of them to conveniently ignore that there is Published evidence thst this works in the same lab based studies they claim to be repeating. It’s gone very quiet about how many of us are the ones getting sick and dying. But I have no doubt evusheld would be preventing deaths. And I for one vary between anger and despair at the lack of care for us. I’m also very disappointed there’s not more support for my petition even tho it’s good that it’s almost at the 10K mark. We are in a fight for our lives. By December over 1 in 100 of all uk blood cancer patients had died of covid. That will be larger by now. Surely part of beating blood cancer is holding the government to public account for their neglect of our safety. I’m hearing rumours of a possible legal challenge on the basis that this is unfair discrimination. The treatment for us should be assessed in the same way vaccines are. Plesss so sign and share rhe petition and write to MPs and the press. Fund Evusheld the preventative COVID19 antibody for immunocompromised - Petitions


Yes, those are stark statistics, thanks @Adrian
Look after yourself

You did it! Well done on hitting the 10,000 mark with the petition.


Great work @Adrian :+1:t4:

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Well done on hiitting target. Adrian.

I sent a lengthty critique to Wes Streeting today sharing similer views on inept Gov response on evusheld.

But also on the inadequacy of the CMDU delivery of the treatment we are relient upon if we contract Covid.

Lets all keep up the fight and continue to share info.


Hi Adrian,

I read your post above and you mention anecdotal reference to success of Evusheld in clinic in USA, very promising indeed,especially if it is current data.

Clearly we need to know if Evusheld works against BA2 which accounts for over 90% of cases in UK. If not, there is no use getting it just to protect us against the past variants of Covid.

It would appear from the latest written answers given in Parliamentary Questions (see my previous posts Gov Policy) that the UK Government still have concerns over the Dosage and Efficacy of Evusheld and are carrying out further in vitro (in glass) testing before making any commitment to purchase.

The FDA in US has already done some further in vitro testing and confirmed that based on original 2 separate doses of 150ml and 150ml there was a loss of neutralizing efficacy against variants of Omicron known as B1.1.1, but retained efficacy against B1 which led to a resulting increases in dosage to 300ml and 300ml. They noted “ in vitro activity does not always correlate with clinical efficacy”

However in Feb when this advice was issued these 2 variants represented 95% of cases in USA.

Adrian you suggest the Government are repeating lab based tests, so far i have failed to find any such evidence relating to BA2 other than that referred to below (in vivo testing) as oppossed to in vitro testing the Government allege they are carrying out. Perhaps you would be good enough to direct me to source of your information.

Certainly FDA did tests as i outlined but circumstances in USA were then different. Obviously perhaps with over 50% of cases in USA now BA2 they will have the matter under review. So far however they are sticking with the use of Evusheld and collecting real world data on efficacy.

One has to assume what the Government are looking at in terms of testing is its specific efficacy against BA2, and are going back to the lab by preferring an in vitro testing regime rather than accepting AZ data below.

Latest Data from Astra Zeneca

Suggests in vivo “within a living organism” tests in mice show that Evusheld is effective against the BA2 variant.

I understand testing usually starts in the lab (in vitro) moves on to mice (in vivo) then humans in the normal course of events.

I guess as the drug seemed generally good AZ moved forward to mice having already satisfied themselves of its efficacy elsewhere and felt such testing was better in relation to real efficacy than using petri dishes. See FDA comment above.

I am not a Scientist so I am not qualified to guage the methodology being adopted by Government, certainly caution appears the watchword and this was not shown in previous purchases. Possibly they are learning from mistakes however I doubt it.

What I am learning is that this situation is far from clear even serology testing (scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood serum, especially with regard to the response of the immune system to pathogens or introduced substances) on recipiants Is even being questioned as a means of testing efficacy.

What we need to know and as yet apparently dont is does it work on people. Clearly those who have had the drug in US and Isreal surely are being moitored, are they ending up in hospital with B2 variant?

The Science is more confusing by the day and certainly not understood by Politicians or for that matter most of us potential recipients.

Notwithstanding the above , as a cynic I don’t trust the Government or their responses, I suspect they may be looking for an excuse for delay because it’s an expensive drug and indeed they may have blown budget on existing treatments.

Perhaps rather than following the evolving science they prefer to hide behind it. eg if they were following science why would we still be relying on Sotrovimab? Specifically mentioned in latest Parliamentary answer as an effective treatment. Clearly in USA they appear ahead of the curve and we tag along behind. No use boasting about speed of vaccine rollout, then for those most at risk being way beind the rest of world.

E.G Do they not know the FDA have withdawn authority for use due to poor showing in relation to BA2. at the start of April.

Why do we use Molunpirivar despite the fact it has 30% efficacy. It’s a shame we have purchased 2.75 million does! Is that the reason?

They also say they are continously moitoring Prophylactic alternatives to EVUSHELD but cant actually name any!

We do however need to be kept better informed about what’s going on.

Incidentally I wrote on that front to DHSC Antivirals and Therapeutics Taskforce and requested information on the procurement of EVUSHELD under freedom of info ACT 2000

Some latest news in relation to long term benefit of Evusheld, rather than efficacy in connection BA2

I asked one of my Haematology team last week about Evusheld - she had not heard of it. She has just come back to say it is licensed but there is currently no access to it.

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Hi @Maureen54 yes, I believe the information you were given was right.
Welcome to posting on our forum.
I look forward to hearing more about you.
Look after yourself.

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AstraZeneca boss calls for UK to provide new Covid-19 medicine to the vulnerable


My 15 year old came home from school the other day and informed me she had been chatting to a boy who, it transpired, had returned to school despite still testing positive for covid! He said he was in line with the guidance and indeed it is! It set me thinking about the current situation what it is that makes me so angry about it.

It’s not just about Evusheld, it’s that essentially, a prophylactic approach (ie the vaccine) now represents the ENTIRETY of current government policy. So no need for masks, improving ventilation, free testing, tracing, and now even isolation. We can “live with” covid freely like this because we have a vaccine which prevents most people from getting seriously I’ll or dying.

And there’s the rub, “most people”. Our public health policy around covid is premised upon the existence of a vaccine which demonstrably doesn’t work for all. And there are data to show which people it is unlikely to work for. So the government has a policy which KNOWINGLY discriminates against an identifiable minority. No mitigations remember, the ONLY protection is a quite probably ineffective vaccine or the option not to play a full part in society.

This context makes the failure to roll out Evusheld even more extraordinary and infuriating. It is doubly discriminating to those of us who don’t respond to the vaccines. It has to change.

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It is disappointing to hear that medical staff are not keeping up to date with covid information. Mine seem to know very little.

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I must admit i was alarmed when i heard people were allowed out with covid but thankfully I am still managing to avoid catching it and leading a more or less normal life. I am slightly reassured that treatment is available if i do catch it but would much rather have prevention rather than a cure. I know i had no antibodies from my first 2 jabs. I am assuming i have some now i have had 5.

It’s difficult to know what is the best thing to do given that there is no sort of leadership on this except from charities like Blood Cancer UK. I think everyone just needs to find their own safe and the level of risk that they are prepared to take and live their life accordingly.


@ilivesunshine I think that everyone has to find their own way. I have to say I am taking a few more risks now, by choice. I think it is a good thing to be positive - each of us is different, and we may be better protected than we think. In my case, I had no detectable antibodies after 4 jabs. I’ve had my 5th now, but have little confidence that it will be any different, though the evidence does suggest the more jabs the better, for most. I feel that I would still be somewhat cautious if I had Evusheld but I believe that I would feel much more confident when out and about. I hope you stay Covid free. Look after yourself.

But with no antibody testing available how are we to judge what is safe for us?? My husband would lock me away from all outside contact given half a chance and I miss my grandchildren very much… Those of us who have been on antiCD 20 MEDS are unlikely to be making any antibodies as I understand it, for at minimum 12 months after treatment stops and Venetoclax has been shown to weaken T cell efficacy sadly too

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Any news on the brief for the government with the 5 tests to make sure people at highest risk from Covid-19 are well supported to live with Covid-19 now and into the future.?

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