Ask the Nurses - Infection

Thank you so much @Heidi-J-BloodCancerUK, this is very helpful and reassures me that I’m doing enough.

Funnily enough I contacted my haematologist (about my first nosebleed) and he reminded me to take acetaminophen rather than another NSAID for headaches and other pains, just like you! Great minds…

I think, for me an issue around infections is that I just haven’t had many in my life and the ones I have had were so pronounced that it was obvious I needed medical care. I’m thinking of the random kidney infection I got before diagnosis with Polycythaemia vera (PV), or a time a had a lymph infection which I could see and feel through my skin.

I do have 24-hour support and nearby emergency hospitals plus local health centres and apparently even my haematologist at the end of an email who replies swiftly, and of course lovely folks here. I feel very supported and know what to do in the case of an emerging infection now, so thank you again!