Good evening
This is my first post as a husband of a fighter of AML.
My wife was diagnosed in Mid August with AML and is currently on her 2nd course of induction therapy after the 1st course (AML 17 trial) failed her blast levels had reduced from 80% to 55%.
She is now at day 18 after a course of FLAG IDA but we are yet to see any increase in her blood or neutrophils levels.
As you can imagine after being given the bad news after round one that she is high risk and her only chance of recovery is getting into remission and a successful stem cell transplant we are at a very nervy stage.
Today hasn’t been a great day emotions wise for both of us so I’ve felt compelled you post for the first time to people who may understand the situation.
All I want is the answer to the one question nobody can answer, not even the consultant, whether she can get through this.
We have 2 beautiful children aged 9 and 5 and not having their mum home for 9 weeks now is heart breaking and now I am really starting to see changes in their behaviour.
Has anyone else or a loved one gone through more than one induction treatment and felt similar despair and anxiousness?
Obviously she is fighting as best she can and otherwise seems completely healthy which is even more frustrating.
Thanks in advance