Blood test came back normal, but I am not filled with confidence

Hi all, 19F from the UK here, for the past 3/4 months I’ve been getting back to back infections, I thought maybe its just that time of year, but in the past when I have had infections, I’ve never had these ‘extra’ symptoms I’ve been experiencing.

In October through November I had a chest infection, then quickly followed by a sinus infection once my coughing had cleared up, at this time I started experiencing really bad fatigue. I’ve never been one to nap and would describe myself as healthy+active, but I could barely walk around my house without feeling so exhausted, going to work was also a struggle, it feels like even just having to think and use my brain is tiring. I would come home and immediately be in bed from 7pm-8am. On my days off work I could barely leave my bed and constantly be in and out of sleep. I didn’t have much of an appetite so I often would forget to eat, or sleep through meal times (I’m sure this didn’t help how I was feeling) After my infections passed I thought my sleep and appetite would return to normal but no such luck if anything it has gotten worse.

Since Christmas I have had really bad joint/bone pain, particularly in my back (especially when I breathe), knees, elbows and wrists. As well as occasional tingling sensations in my fingertips. I put it down to the cold weather but it has really been affecting my everyday life especially how it affects my breathing. On that note I have also been extremely short of breath, and doing any kind of activity even walking up stairs has me out of breath and feeling light headed. I always seem to have a headache and my face, neck and chest area is constantly hot to the touch.

I’ve found my upper legs, arms, wrists and stomach/chest area have been itchy, particularly at night, so much so I wake up with scratches all over which also seem to heal a lot slower than usual. I also usually have a light and short period but my most recent one seemed to be heavier and last a few days longer than usual. I searched up my symptoms which all seemed to point to leukaemia/lymphoma. In the past I have been told by doctors I am at risk of developing leukaemia so putting 2 and 2 together has had me worried for the past few weeks.

I had to go to A&E a few days ago as it was suspected I had meningitis (due to a rash I think is unrelated) which resulted in a blood test order. I had my CBC two days ago as of writing this and have checked the NHS app for my test results which have all come back normal… A few variables are on the lower end of the ‘normal’ range, like my white blood cell count being 4.5. I don’t know what all of the other values mean, but my white blood cell stuck out to me in particular as it is usually a lot higher, and have read is a key value in looking into the possibility of blood cancer.

Having normal lab results come back is supposed to put your mind at ease yet I feel a sense of dread like something is being missed, has anyone else had a similar experience where something just ‘doesn’t feel right’ ? What should I do and ask for moving forward if I don’t seem to improve, I worry that I will be dismissed because I am ‘healthy’ on paper ?

Apologies for the longer message, this has just been on my mind for a long time and I now feel so disheartened to hear its ‘nothing’ and would appreciate any advice x

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Hi @nm2005 welcome to our forum, please do not apologise for the long message sometimes I feel it is such a relief just typing it out.
Gosh you seem to have a lot going on and not felt right for nearly 4 mths.
What do you want to do now so you know if it is something or nothing
Perhaps I might want to talk to my GP.
If you feel that you might not be listened to perhaps take a family member, friend or someone with you and I have learnt to be pleasantly assertive.
I find it helps me to have my symptoms in a diary of events format.
Family history
Also to write down my fears, questions and practicalities.
I can really relate to feeling so disheartened to hear it is ‘nothing’ and I also think that your anxiety comes from your post, it must be miserable for you.
Please do let us know how you get on, be ever so kind to yourself and look after yourself and don’t forget food and drink is your fuel.

Hi @Erica Thank you so much for your quick response, I do have a dermatology appointment for this time next week, so hopefully that can shed some light on my skin related symptoms and if they think all of my recent issues are related. I also have a GP appointment in a few weeks which I’m sure will be able to explain my blood test results, and hopefully I can find some answers soon
Do not worry also I am eating with a balanced diet in mind and drinking a healthy amount!

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That sounds like a good plan @nm2005 please do let us know how you get on and keep looking after yourself

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Dear @nm2005,
Welcome to the forum although I am sorry for the reasons you have found yourself here.
It is reassuring that your blood results have all come back in the normal range, however given the persistent symptoms you have listed I agree that a visit back to the GP would be the right next step. I see you have already booked this in which is great, like Erica has suggested I would make a list of everything that is going on, similar to what you have done here and go through this with the GP. Depending on what blood tests you have already had they may wish to do some further tests to look in more detail.
I have linked in our pages here on symptoms of blood cancer, there is also some information on questions you may wish to ask your Doctor - Blood cancer symptoms and signs | Blood Cancer UK. The important thing would be for the GP to make a full assessment when they see you.
We are very much here for you, if you would like to talk things through our number is 0808 2080 888.
Do let us know how you get on at your appointments, if your symptoms worsen or you become very unwell please seek urgent medical attention.
Best Wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)


Hi Heidi, thank you so much for your response!
I’ll be sure to take your advice going into the GP appointment, I haven’t actually had a chance to talk to someone about my symptoms yet so I am looking forward to having that opportunity and the link you have provided has been very helpful in terms of questions to ask!
Thanks again :slight_smile: