Hi all, 19F from the UK here, for the past 3/4 months I’ve been getting back to back infections, I thought maybe its just that time of year, but in the past when I have had infections, I’ve never had these ‘extra’ symptoms I’ve been experiencing.
In October through November I had a chest infection, then quickly followed by a sinus infection once my coughing had cleared up, at this time I started experiencing really bad fatigue. I’ve never been one to nap and would describe myself as healthy+active, but I could barely walk around my house without feeling so exhausted, going to work was also a struggle, it feels like even just having to think and use my brain is tiring. I would come home and immediately be in bed from 7pm-8am. On my days off work I could barely leave my bed and constantly be in and out of sleep. I didn’t have much of an appetite so I often would forget to eat, or sleep through meal times (I’m sure this didn’t help how I was feeling) After my infections passed I thought my sleep and appetite would return to normal but no such luck if anything it has gotten worse.
Since Christmas I have had really bad joint/bone pain, particularly in my back (especially when I breathe), knees, elbows and wrists. As well as occasional tingling sensations in my fingertips. I put it down to the cold weather but it has really been affecting my everyday life especially how it affects my breathing. On that note I have also been extremely short of breath, and doing any kind of activity even walking up stairs has me out of breath and feeling light headed. I always seem to have a headache and my face, neck and chest area is constantly hot to the touch.
I’ve found my upper legs, arms, wrists and stomach/chest area have been itchy, particularly at night, so much so I wake up with scratches all over which also seem to heal a lot slower than usual. I also usually have a light and short period but my most recent one seemed to be heavier and last a few days longer than usual. I searched up my symptoms which all seemed to point to leukaemia/lymphoma. In the past I have been told by doctors I am at risk of developing leukaemia so putting 2 and 2 together has had me worried for the past few weeks.
I had to go to A&E a few days ago as it was suspected I had meningitis (due to a rash I think is unrelated) which resulted in a blood test order. I had my CBC two days ago as of writing this and have checked the NHS app for my test results which have all come back normal… A few variables are on the lower end of the ‘normal’ range, like my white blood cell count being 4.5. I don’t know what all of the other values mean, but my white blood cell stuck out to me in particular as it is usually a lot higher, and have read is a key value in looking into the possibility of blood cancer.
Having normal lab results come back is supposed to put your mind at ease yet I feel a sense of dread like something is being missed, has anyone else had a similar experience where something just ‘doesn’t feel right’ ? What should I do and ask for moving forward if I don’t seem to improve, I worry that I will be dismissed because I am ‘healthy’ on paper ?
Apologies for the longer message, this has just been on my mind for a long time and I now feel so disheartened to hear its ‘nothing’ and would appreciate any advice x