Blood test results

Hi, I have a couple of questions about recent blood test results:

  1. How quickly should bloods return to normal after a UTI? I had a uti recently and delayed my quarterly watch and wait blood tests until I had completed the antibiotic course. Tests results showed most notably, my Creatinine was raised and GFR has plummetted (normally >90 down to 64).

2.paraproteins as measured by my local hospital are normally ‘too little to quantity’. In May my GP a ran a Rheumatology Profile and these were sent to a different hospital for analysis and paraprotein was measured as 2g/L. In August, the quarterly tests again showed ‘too little to quantify’. The question is: am I seeing a real increase and decrease, or is it that one hospital has better laboratory equipment?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.



My creatine levels have increased very slowly and it was seen as an ageing process. Recently my cholesterol levels increased slowly despite having had them under control for years. When I questioned it I was told that my chemo ( taken daily for life) has an effect and the enzymes which break cholesterol down are in the liver and the chemo does have an effect on this over time,
I have nothing more helpful to add!


Hi@helenfwallace.Are you able to ask your GP about the GFR and Creatinine levels it may be connected to your just having had a UTI ,@Lauren @Gemma @Heidi_BloodCancerUK I am sure can advise with this.
Iintially my Paraprotein was 2.80 and was considered low and told it was unlikely to progress.It has progressed to 12.50,but as my other bloods are ok my GP isnt concerned.
As you have a noticeable change in yours would be good to talk to GP or the Nurses here .Its what I do .
Hope you can get answers


Hi @helenfwallace, it is difficult to follow the responses you have had but my experience is that it is best to ask whoever ordered the blood tests about any anomalies or queries.
My bloods do fluctuate a bit and on watch and wait my GP says they are really looking at trends to pick up on.
I hope your UTI is better.
Look after yourself and please let us know how you get on.


Hi Bannana Cake,
Thanks for responding.
I am wary of asking GP for advice on paraproteins especially since that 2g/L result was reviewed and signed off "satisfactory, no further action ". However, I will discuss at my next haematology appointment which is on the 20th.


Thanks Erica and thank Grandma Jo.


Hi @helenfwallace please let us know how you get on on the 20th

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Hi Erica, I will do. UTI I hope has gone, though I did take a second course of antibiotics.


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Hello there @helenfwallace,
Hoping that you are feeling ok despite your UTI?

  1. Bloods returning to normal - this really depends on your response to the antibiotics and symtoms improving? It is to be expected that your creatinine and GFR had been effected. Did you want to know in trems of booking your next test? I would suggest 2 weeks after your symptoms have resolved to be sure.
  2. It is not unusal for paraproteins to fluctuate, this is not usually related to the testing.
    Do give us a call if you would like to discuss further.
    Take care
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Hi Gemma,
Many thanks. I will make a note for the future. Clearly I got it wrong this time. I am to have the U&E bloods re-taken and hopefully they will show an improved situation.

I will discuss the paraprotein results at my next haematology appointment which now isn’t too far away. I have read on the forum that levels go up and down. However, I don’t have a real grasp of how big a change it is from “too little to quantify” to 2g/l and back. I shall call if I am still unclear after to speaking to the haematologist. Many Thanks.



Hi All,

I have just had my Haematology appointment. My paraproteins are again “too little quantify”. In May, my GP did a Rheumatology panel which was sent to a different laboratory, which quantified the paraprotein at 2g/L. The question I had for the consultant was: “am I seeing a real change?”
The consultant’s opinion is that I am not seeing a “real changes”. She said different laboratories had different equipment with different sensitivities. So some laboratories are able to quantify lower levels than others. She also said 2g/L is is low.


It is good to get a context and understanding for such things.

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Hi @helenfwallace yes, isn’t it good to get some context and understanding, your Haematologist sounds a very practical person.
I can hear the relief in your post, please keep posting.
Celebrate tonight