CLL treatment

Back to forum after a while guys (sorry) so after being diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) last july ive been told today by my haematologist that treatment time is due.
Ive been given 2 choices which are:
Venetoclax along with Obinutuzumab or
Ive been given a choice which I’m preferring the venetoclax option but does anyone else have experience with these options??

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Hi @Hellwalker78 glad to hear from you again, but sorry for the reason.
How do you make such a big decision between 2 Unknown treatments?
I have copied some information from the Blood Cancer UK website for you.
Treatment options for CLL | Blood Cancer UK
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888
I hope others will be able to share their experiences for you.
Please do let us know how you get on and really look after yourself

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I was diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) in July and started treatment soon after. I am on Acalabrutinib which is taken twice a day along with Allopurinol, Co-Trimoxazole & Aciclovir. I have not had any significant side effects. My consultant says that treatment is going as expected. I feel a little less tired than earlier in the year otherwise much the same. I’m not an expert this is just my situation, I hope that things work out as best as they can for you.


Hi. Good to hear from you. I was on a clinical trial called Assure, for Acalabrutinib for 28 months. I sadly had to leave the trial in July 23. This was nothing to do with the drug but my immune system got the better and I contracted pneumonia and sepsis. At this point i had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 12 years. I had venetaclax prescribed but really struggled with it as my tummy couldn’t tolerate it, and now i am on another trial, Nurix 5948. This is a wonder drug and is great and I am doing really well on it. So, i would consider both, but i favour Acalabrutinib.

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Just for info, Venetaclax was originally in a trial with Ibrutinib the trial was called Clarity and I was also on that trial. Its very succesful for some people.

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Thanks for your comment, i have chosen Obinutuzumab (infusion) and Venetoclax (tablet)
Ive just got to confirm with my key nurse and get the ball rolling…hope everything works out for you :+1:


Thank you for your comment, i hope everything is ok for you now and great news that you survived the pneumonia and sepsis…all the best for the future :+1:

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