Confused by biopsy results

Hi I’ve been waiting 5 weeks for biopsy results to comback after an EBUS procedure
I have seen my haematologist today and the results are inconclusive but he said I definitely didn’t have lung cancer. I am not sure how lung cancer can be ruled out but not lymphona? I am now having to go for a PET scan and he will biopsy from my collerbone.
This all started from pneumonia and being very breathless. I then had a CT which should extensive enlarged lymph nodes of 40mm in my mediastinal.
I am worried about the long waits between procedures and the fact the biopsy was inconclusive.

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Hi @Pipbon22 I am glad you have found us and I agree that the waiting and not knowing is anxiety making.
All tests are to rule diagnosis and treatments in or out. Different blood cancers can often have very generic symptoms.
Some test results can come back inconclusive.
Some test results take a long time to come back.
Your haematologist seems to be ordering you tests which perhaps shows he wants to get it right.
I am finding that I am waiting quite a while for appointments in other departments at the moment.
Please do let us know how you get on , I find it is an emotional rollercoaster.
Really look after yourself

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I had my PET scan results hot spots under rib cage, mediastinal and groin
I am due for a CT lead biopsy in my mediastinal on Thursday as this is my most active lymph on the PET scan.
Feel for the 1st time in a while I am moving forward.
Does anyone no what this procedure entails very vague letter from hospital.


Hi @Pipbon22, I am glad that you feel that you are starting to move forward.
I think you might be best to ask your question of your medical team to know how they will run your tests.
I find a good trick is to write down exactly what you want to ask, I have personally found that if there are any special instructions then they have been in my letters.
Please do let us know how you get on and look after yourself.