Just taking baby aspirin now. Playlets went from 912 to 1115. No symptoms don’t want chemo meds
@Connie123 firstly welcome to the forum.
Secondly, I guess from your post heading you have one of the Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) cancers?
That you are on just the low dose aspirin, you have not started visits to the ward of the leeches sisters yet? (Otherwise known as venesection with a proud tradition going all the way back the ancient Egyptians )
That you have no visible symptoms yet is a good thing, you do not give your age, but that is Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) all over, you look fine, feel fine and your blood count says another story, then on a bad day you expect the worse and your numbers are fine.
As for chemo tablets, I am now on 500mg hydroxycarbamide and 300mg aspirin daily for several months now. But it took several months of venesections, baby aspirins, diet and exercise to get my blood count down to start chemo.
Chemo it seems, is used to keep your cancer in check, a never ending game of chess.
Your medical team will be the ones to guide you on this dance of cancer and as our site mascot with the hats @Erica will tell you herself, be pleasantly assertive in asking for information in plain English and having things explained to you.
One thing I will say, ignore the numbers, that is for the medical lot to work through, it is what they went to university for. You just stay focusing on the day the cancer gives you.
Hi @Connie123 welcome to our forum.
Have you got a blood cancer diagnosis yet?
What are your medical people saying?
Perhaps a lot of different aspects are taken into account when making a diagnosis and deciding the way forward and your medical team are best to advise as they know you best.
Now is your opportunity to write down all your fears, questions and practicalities for your next appointment.
Please do let us know how you get on and really look after yourself