Feel like the doctors aren’t taking me seriously

Hi, I’m 18 years old and in October last year i had a bad chest infection, while i had this i noticed a swollen lymph node under my chin. i went to the doctor and she said it would be due to the chest infection which of course makes sense. following that i noticed 2-3 more lymph nodes and one just above my collar bone which was concerning me. i went back to the doctors and was this time given antibiotics and told again jt would be due to the chest infection.
I then went back to university and my lymph nodes stayed the same, went to the doctors there who once again said it would be a reaction to the chest infection but booked me a blood test. bloods came back normal apart from a slightly overactive thyroid which they aren’t worried about.

this was late november and It was around this time i developed a rash on my elbows and neck, itchy and red.

Fast forward to christmas my lymph nodes are still swollen, i can feel lots all up my neck and above my collar bone. went back to the doctors who still was not concerned but said he would see me again before i went back to university again. i was given a steroid cream for the rash

I saw him again on the 10th of january, the cream had worked but when i stopped using it the rash immediately came back. he said he still isn’t worried about the lymph nodes but that i should go to the doctor in my uni town when im back and get them to book me in for a scan.

Over the past month i have began to feel exhausted all the time, and much more breathless than usual. i also have been getting this pain in my chest which i told my doctor about and he put down to anxiety.
It feels like my body is screaming at me that something is wrong but i am not being taken seriously. its all i’ve thought about since they first swelled up in october and ive been soooo anxious about it every day since then.

My lymph nodes are still swollen but soft and moveable, my skin is so dry on my face when i usually have no issue with it as well as the rash on my arms and neck.

Sorry this is so long, it’s just taken over my life thinking about the possibilities, and i know i will have to wait at least another month before i can get a scan, does anyone have any similar experiences or advice?

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Oh @ameliabun your anxiety really comes from your post, a great big welcome to our forum, which I hope you do not need,
I really feel for you.
What would give you peace of mind either way?
Do you feel you would benefit from an advocate or just someone to go with you, could this be a family member, someone from a uni welfare dept., a friend etc.
You say you know that a scan will be at least another month, sometimes I say that I am available at short notice if there is a cancellation.
My handy hints is to keep a diary of events, as you have above.
Write down all my fears, questions and practicalities to ask at your next appointment.
I have learnt to be ‘pleasantly assertive’ and ask for answers that I can understand and only leave when you have answers or the way forward.
The problem is that we are very unique complex beings and the symptoms you describe could be something or nothing and all treatments and tests are there to rule things in or out.
If you are not satisfied you might consider going to the Practice Manager and consider a second opinion.
Please do let us know how you get on and be very kind and really look after yourself.

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Hi @ameliabun

So sorry to read about all you’ve been going through - it sounds so frustrating to not feel like you’re being taken seriously. @Erica has given some great suggestions, and I just wanted to add to it that we have this free symptoms guide that can help you track what is going on for you and use that to take into your next GP appointment Blood cancer symptoms guide | Blood Cancer UK Shop

You may also find our 'Blood cancer symptoms and signs’ page helpful to read - it contains information on what to look out for, as well as prompts for questions you might like to ask your doctor. I find the questions for your doctor are really useful and as they show you can be direct in saying if you are worried about blood cancer, and ask them to rule it out - as Erica says, it could be easier to do this if you have someone with you - especially if you feel like they’re not listening to you.

As it explains on the webpage:

"Most people who have symptoms described on this page won’t have blood cancer. But it’s worrying to have symptoms you can’t explain, and important to find out what’s causing them, if only to set your mind at rest.

If you have just one symptom that you can’t explain, that goes on for a long time, or is unusual for you, book an appointment with your GP. If you suddenly feel very unwell at any time, get medical help straight away by calling 999 or going to A&E."

Hope that this is helpful - getting prepped for your appointment could be a great start for saying all you need to, but if you still feel not listened to, then consider asking to speak to another GP well.

Take really good care of yourself,
Warm regards,

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