Feeling so difficult to get warm

Thank you for the response. I have now made an appointment for him for this Friday with his GP. I would like to get him referred back to the hospital but not sure what department it would be. Any ideas to guide me?

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Hi @Ali24.
Good news you have a go appointment. They should be able to guide you on the department to refer back to but I have copied in the @BloodCancerUK_Nurses in case they can help.
Please let us know how you get on on Friday x

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Thanks so much. And yes, I’ll let you know how we get on.


Hi @Ali24.

Definitely good news that you have an appointment booked for your Dad. Hopefully after examining your Dad and listening to what has been going on that will direct the right department/team to refer you Dad, If the GP feels the symptoms relate to Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) it will probably be the clinical haematology service. However the GP should explain any referral and the reasons for it.

I hope all goes well and your Dad gets sorted and yes, please let us know how you get on.

Thank you, Lynne Support Service



Hi there i also have under active thyroid and was feeling cold all the time …my gp put up my thyroxine by 25 mcg and hey it did the trick i no longer feel cold all the time hope this is of some help


Hi @Suzyq my sister has an underactive thyroid, she was born with it, and is on thyroxine.
I was diagnosed with and an underactive thyroid in my teens as I would have trouble keeping awake in class in the afternoons.
When I changed GP’s at about 20yrs old I was taken off the thyroxine.
I am 73yrs old
I really do feel the cold now but I can also feel hot when it is cold, so I think my inner thermostat is just shot.
I get hot after eating.
Take care all of you.
I have probably just muddied the waters.

Hi @Ali24.
Hope you got on ok on Friday? X

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Sorry folks, I completed forgot to update you all. We managed, after a bit of a wrangle, to get a referral out of our GP. He really wasn’t keen but came through in the end. Yay!
It’s for a telephone referral.
We tried to book the appointment only for the website to tell us there are no available appointments for 259 days. (!)
We left our details suggesting when we would be available for the phone call (anytime day or night really!).
If we have not heard from the clinic by the 20th of October we are allowed to phone them.
So we are in the system which was more than we were before.
I have a feeling it’ll be baby steps but better than no steps at all.


Oh @Ali24 I am so glad you managed, after a bit of a wrangle, to get a referral from your GP… Yay.
I could not believe it when I read that the website said that there were no appointments available for 259 days.
Yes, at least you are in the system.
I have got a dermatologist appointment that keeps on getting cancelled and is now in Jan 24.
Yep, baby steps are better than no steps at all.
Look after yourselves and please do keep posting, even if it is just your frustrations.

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Thanks so much for the update. I was hoping you’d get on ok. Fingers crossed the appointment comes through sooner than that.
Take good care of yourself X

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yep I feel cold without two or three jerseys, leggings and copious amounts of Earl Grey laced with sugar. my nose runs like a tap! my normal temp is under 36 degrees! Am now on amoxicillin as went out at 3am to check where I had left my keys! felt exhilarated! when I got home I felt fine but woke up cold, even sleeping with two jerseys, two blankets, duvet cover!

Hope you are keeping warm! I also eat cheesecake, jelly trifles with cream and good food like fish pie and gratins dauphinoise! blood test next week! hope cholesterol ok! huge love and gd luck

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