Feeling low

Feeling low and useless today.i know it will pass.but i don’t really have anyone to talk too. It’s been a beautiful day here,but all I’ve done is lie around trying to get my shoulder to stop hurting.what a waste.

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Hi @Birdhouse57 thank you for being brave enough to post so honestly.
I hope you do not mind me asking if you have a blood cancer?
You are now part of our forum family and no longer alone.
You have great personal insight.
Yes, it has been a beautiful day here too and I went out for a walk and I felt so much better afterwards.
My back was really hurting before I went out and much improved on my return.
I smile at everyone and most smile back, some don’t, that’s OK, which boosts me again.
I am very nosey so walking is a very good occupation for me.
After my diagnosis I decided to make the most of every day.
The Samaritans are there if you need them on 116 123
The Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 208- 888 during the week.
Please do keep posting and be very kind to yourself


Thankyou for accepting me.i have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL),Diagnosed in August, so still getting used to it all. Hopefully feel a bit more like myself tomorrow. Between the bone pain and the fatigue wiping me out I feel guilty when my kids want to do stuff ,but I just can’t. Thankyou for listening to me winge ,I guess I’m just feeling sorry for myself.

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Hello @Birdhouse57 - welcome to this forum and thanks for letting us know how things are for you just now - something that will be understood by many here. Ah I can see it’s early days for you since diagnosis in August - how you feel is quite natural and you certainly are not feeling sorry for yourself - it takes some adjustments to work around whats going on with your blood cancer and takes some time to find the things that you can do and enjoy within your condition - and do be reassured that you will do this. I have a different blood cancer and many of us will appreciate how bone pain and fatigue affects us but you will find how to deal with these even on the not so good days. I am much like Erica and find great value in spending some time outdoors - enjoy some reset in nature and some beauty (I live in the city and am often surprised what lovely nature bits I can find amongst the urban streets!) - I am thinking may be the kids would enjoy that with you too- small bits you can enjoy together with some smiles and laughs that can help work through the pain and fatigue - it may be phew you are tired once back home after it but good times have been enjoyed and the day feels valuable for you all - do keep letting us know how you are doing and know you are not alone doing so


Birdhouse57 just wanted to say hi and welcome. I do not know how old your children are. But when mine were younger all getting under a duvet together on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn watching a film was one of their favourite things to do. Even though my children are all adults now, board games are still something we regularly do. We all have days were we feel what did I do today. Thats ok. Fatigue and pain are hard to deal with. I try and take one day at a time. Thats what works for me. Best wishes. Liz59


Me Again @Birdhouse57 thanks for your background and your post definitely did not sound whingeing to me it sounded as is if it was from someone who was really brave and honest wanting help. Fatigue and bone pain can really, really drag me down.
I also have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and I have had it for 20 yrs and it took me a very long while to get my head round and get to know myself and what makes my fatigue better and worse.
I have found that I don’t deal with what personally stresses me, some emotional things, some physical things and some practical things and my fatigue can come on immediately or up to 48 hrs later.
Sometimes I need a nap or a duvet dive and I now realise sometimes fresh air and appropriate exercise helps me and the natural using of my limbs and body can help my bone pains.
I find ways round things like sitting, rather than standing at events.
I occasionally feel sorry for myself, that is OK, but now realise what is happening to me and really make myself do something to divert my mind and of course post on here.
Perhaps you might think of ways round that you might be able to do just some things with your children, I find it so bonding and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling sometimes.
Even if it is just their homework and as @Liz59 says watching a film together
Look after and be very kind to yourself and perhaps I make the changes I have made sound easy, they are certainly not, but have helped me.

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