Hopes for 2022

These new treatments really do give us hope. I hope that it has a positive effect on your husband. Sending special wishes your way!


Yes, I think most blood cancer cases in the NE end up in the RVI eventually!.
Good luck to all for 2022.


Very best wishes to CathyG’s husband, here’s hoping the new treatment works!


I was sorry to read what you wrote @SpaceAngel and send you good wishes. I think many people on the forum at different times could echo some of your thoughts and I hope it helped to write them down. I well understand the point about having no hopes so that you cannot be disappointed and I am glad you feel you have achieved everything you want in life I wish I felt the same but time alone for me does tend to bring a review of failures rather than achievements however we have a saying in my country that roughly translates as Life too has its demands which in the context of the poem from which it comes means we have aims and goals in life which we may or may not achieve but life has aims and goals for us of which we are not always aware so I think there may be opportunities ahead for all of us to make a difference to somebody else. I expect that your post has made several of us think so there is an impact already.


Good Morning to all you lovely people . On reading all your comments on hopes for 2022 it reminds me of how everyone is different and we all have different hopes and feelings of what life sends our way. Like many on here I was fit and well up until the pandemic hit us. I was working in a shop when it all started and before any screens were fitted. I had a very nasty experience with a customer who thought it funny to cough (on purpose) over the counter at me. This spiralled me out of control as I kept thinking what if I now get Covid? The reason I felt like this was because my sister who died from Cancer a few years back spent her last few days struggling for breath . I slept by her bed and struggled to watch her pass.
This one experience with this utterly rude person stole my life for 12 months as my mind went into lockdown . I suffered anxiety and depression for 12 months but got though this with the help of a great network of friends and Husband.
I was 68 when I was diagnosed with ET , which was a total shock . I have been on the watch and wait list now for about 12 months . My Husband has decided to retire early so we can enjoy life and do things together . So my hopes for 2022 is for there to be more trials for all Cancer treatments , the end of Covid and for understanding from everyone on what impact every day things have on other people. I myself feel lucky that I had support when I needed it and especially on finding this great way of sharing my experience with this very caring site. It always amazes me how strong people are when faced with life threatening moments.
So my final hope for 2022 is strength, hope, and determination to you all to cope with whatever comes your way and look forward to your life.
Sorry it’s a bit longwinded , my husband always said I talk to much😀. Wishing you all a Happy New Year . X


I think it’s good to talk @Macymae123.
The impact of others actions can be so detrimental to our mental health - if only people really understood. I’m sorry you had to experience that, it was a really cruel thing for somebody to do and understandably, triggered huge anxiety!
It’s lovely that you and your husband can plan to do all the things you wanted to (bar Covid restrictions :woman_facepalming:) it would be great to hear about some of the things you have planned. Any ideas yet?
Sending lots of love X


Hi Nichlola75

Yes now we live by the sea we have bought a Seaview Chalet to refurbish. We are so looking forward to our new project. I will update when we start.
Also it will keep me focused and fit as we can walk to it along the beach. Take care and stay safe . Xxx

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That’s sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see it!


Oh @Macymae123, How lovely to now live by the sea and to now have a Seaview Chalet to refurbish as a project. As @Nichola75 we all want to hear all about the project and to see it. Enjoy.


Hi @SpaceAngel I have been thinking of you loads and wondered how you are feeling now.
I think New Year can be such a difficult time, so many mixed thoughts and emotions,
exacerbated in Covid times.
We are always here for you.
Sending you much love xx


Keep hoping; it’s all we can do a lot of the time!


I hear you and am so sorry, one day at a time.
Covid has also taken away a lot and is scary and stressful to say the least and feel it has added to already stressful situations people have.

So pleased you have been able to express how you feel, much respect. Wish you peace and healing.

My head is not in a good place at times. :heart::hugs:


Morning @Sandra. I think we all have those dark days don’t we. How are you doing at the moment?

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Reading this thread has been so humbling. I wish to thank everyone on this forum for their support and kindness.


How are you keeping @Kirsteen?

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Hi @Nichola75 and everyone else, I’ve been feeling quite reflective over the new year. Yesterday I was finding it difficult to be very hopeful about the year ahead, particularly with the way everything has been around Covid and my husband’s health conditions. I realise I needed to acknowledge the sadness I felt at the loss of many things in our way of life and in some of our relationships with other people. Today I feel more positive thinking about the importance of taking each day as it comes and gratitude for the simple but highly important things in life. But as many of you on the discussion have said, also about being able to acknowledge the times when we’re feeling down. This forum is such a supportive place for us all.


How are you @Nichola75 ?

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I agree with everything you have said. I’m glad I have you all on here to. Don’t know what I’d do without you!
Great self care going for you. I think it’s so important that we acknowledge the things we’ve lost and that it’s ok to be sad about it. I - like you - really appreciate the little things now. It’s made me realise how lucky I am compared to some.
A lot to be grateful for but also some sadness. For me, taking a day, an afternoon or just an hour at a time ensures really eases my anxieties.
I’ve had a positive day with you today. Hoping for another tomorrow!
Take care of you and best wishes to your husband X


Hi @Kirsteen yes, I think the new year is a time of reflection and yes, I have also lost a lot over diagnosis and Covid times, but I reflected on what is really important to me and it is not material things, although I love my flat and it’s proximity to so many amenities.
What I miss is some very special family and friends, they are priceless and the other best things in life are free like my music, nature ,walking, my pilates etc.
Yes, my emotions oscillate and I can burst into tears and feel really low and then something happens and I have gratitude. I try to live in the day, not very successfully when I feel low, and as @Nichola75 says sometimes it is half a day, I hour or 5 minutes at a time.
Yes, we are a team on here.


Hi DavidW I’ve been going through my messages and realised that I haven’t replied to you, so apologies for the late reply. I’m glad that you are doing really well since your diagnosis in 1996. It does help to know that someone else who has this form of leukaemia has made it through, so thank you. I hope that you had a great Christmas and New Year and I wish you well for 2022. Best wishes Nick :blush: