How did you react to your diagnosis?

Sat here looking at further medical stuff for the crash that ended up with me finding this most excellent site dudes, (guess which movie I fell asleep to last night :wink: ), it made me wonder, how did you react on getting your cancer diagnosis?
I was sitting in the Head specialists office, aching in pain from a fractured sternum, soft tissue damage, ripped muscles etc, he went on about numbers, bad form of the other hospital to send me home, high heart attack risk, followed by a throw away question about how I reacted to water.
A smile and a sigh later on my answer, “Oh you have pruritus, guess that means you have Polycythaemia vera (PV) rather than Essential thrombocythemia (ET), will get them to do a quick gene test on your bloods while you pop along and have a pint taken. And see you in a couple of weeks to confirm”
I shuffle out of the office, emotionally lost, ( just started going through divorce stuff) and trying to get a decent phone signal to look things up. Dr Google was interesting, so ignoring the USA sites, headed for the NHS site, and then via the cancer charities.
But the one thing I remember so clearly, was the relief I felt at having been told I had cancer. It was not the ten or so other illnesses I thought I had been suffering symptoms from over the past years.
After reading up on the symptoms, I had answers,
No, not having dementia, I have cancer brain fog.
No, not being lazy, I was suffering from fatigue
etc etc.
So back to the question. how did you react on the news you have cancer?
Guess I am wondering if I am the only one who reacted with relief?

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Hi @clickinhistory
I had just had a gynae op and the gynaecologist said to me ‘I have never had to tell anyone this before you have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) , I can do no more for you see your GP’
Next thing I knew I was walking down a corridor repeating the words Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) so I did not forget them, I could see them in my mind with great cartoon zig zags around them.
I also felt as if I was in a weird bubble with the world going on around me.
Because the gynaecologist said ‘I can do no more for you’ I thought my days were numbered.
I came home and wrote my will and funeral music.
I then had to see my GP and the nurse at the surgery when taking blood said to me ‘we did have a leukaemia patient on our books a couple of years back but she died’
The GP then referred me to a haematologist.
Little did I know that that was the start of my anxiety, not understanding medical lingo, waiting on others and not knowing.
I was in my bubble for a long time
We are all different @clickinhistory, there is no right or wrong


@Erica that is why I asked the question, as I tend to do with most of my questions, to see if we are alone or actually more connected in our responses.
Even though we had two different reactions, the same issue is the way the medical infrastructure handled the manner of informing us and the support and flow of useful information.
As a friend years ago said at the beginning of the internet, she found out she was not alone with her reactions to her medical condition. Even though she admitted she rarely posted or interacted with the sites, just reading people’s words helped her.
Rather than the gift of anxiety the medical profession left you with, got to be one of the worst Secret Santa gifts going :wink:


Good afternoon @clickinhistory and @Erica, hope you are both well.

Like pretty much everyone (I imagine) the first reaction was a mixture of shock and disbelief, followed by “Did I hear correctly?” and other words that would get me banned from this excellent support service!

It is very important that we are able to discover that we aren’t alone in our daily struggles with whichever cancer we have, even if the same cancer strikes each of us in different ways.

I was on my own at the hospital when the consultant told me, very bluntly and without any preamble, that I had one of the Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN)’s, a Rare Blood Cancer and that further tests would be used to “drill down” (literally with the BMB’s!) to determine which one I had.

I think one of the hardest events I then had to deal with was telling my daughters and my elderly mother.

Then work.

Then friends followed by my extended family.

All in all, and if I had the option, I would have given blood cancer a miss but, sadly, there isn’t a rewind option on life.

Take care everybody and stay safe.



@Jimbo165 it’s fine, @Erica has her triple layered woolly hat on over her ears, she will not hear those worthy old Anglo Saxon words of your ancestors.
It does become the pebble in the pool of our lives, the ripples it sends outwards.
Like you I was on my own and I wonder if that makes a difference in that there is no second reaction to gauge our own against?
So far, fear, disbelief, shock and my own, relief.
I wonder if others have had a different reaction and how much is it down to the way we are told and the information we are given at the time?

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Good morning @clickinhistory, there was, after the initial shock and surprise, a feeling of “ah so that’s what has been wrong with me for so long then!” as the :bulb: lit up. Other of my friends may disagree that this was the only thing wrong with me and who am I to argue with them.

Life on your own does bring a different set of challenges with regard to your own health in the most practical of ways such as who will come with you to appointments etc, as well as, on a personal level, “who will stay with me for the immediate period after my sabre swallowing session this Friday?” (Confirmed with the Gastroenterology Appointments department 3 minutes ago, phew!!).
My daughters are good at making themselves available to attend my appointments with me now, but as I am having sedation for this procedure (I’m sorry but my gag reflex isn’t very good as I only laugh at funny jokes!) I’m supposed to have someone with me for the next 12 hours.

As always, keep smiling and be kind to yourself whilst simultaneously taking care and staying safe.



@Jimbo165 just follow the instructional video I shared above and your will be the rising star on the local village hall and working men’s clubs very quickly. As for your friends, well that is all down to the blackmail stuff you have on them :wink:
Interesting that relief came later for you rather than first as for me.
Must be a day for chasing people on the very bad phone lines today. Further medical appointments for the result of injuries from the crash, spine has a degenerative disorder which the crash has speeded up, so they are checking the spleen and neck and shoulders for any other crash injuries. Get bad neck and a numb pins and needles feeling in the fingers of my right hand.
I am sure the four daughters of the apocalypse of your sense of humour will make sure you are escorted as it is cheaper than private security :wink:

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I didn’t really react until after my first transplant and appointments gradually fading away and then I was not sure where I belonged or what had just happened.

On the day of diagnosis I believed I was having another procedure to do with my gall bladder as I had never heard of blood cancer let alone a haematologist. I had rung my gp to say I had to cancel the appointment who said to me I think you better keep this appointment.
I went on my own and thankful I did as I couldn’t have coped with someone else’s emotions.
My consultation was done in a kind and compassionate way and I went on to have a wonderful consultant/patient relationship I trusted her with my life.
She didn’t use the word blood cancer and introduced me to myeloma just a few minutes into the conversation. It never crossed my mind I had cancer and I’m grateful to her for giving me the space to work it out.
I had a bone marrow biopsy there and then and I’m practical in what was needed to get on with coming out the otherside
I remember getting in my car and ringing my very close friend who listened and I collected my daughter.
Another person I spoke to that day was very kind and I said have I got cancer and they nodded and I said I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. That conversation set me up for telling my kids as soon as I was home then my brother and friends
I took a few booklets with me and gave them out
I said laugh cry scream and then stay positive for me please.


@2DB I have heard the delayed register, effect before with a friend who had breast cancer, was so busy organising her family it wasn’t until a week or so later, her hubby told her to stop, go for a walk, met her oldest friend in the park and in her words, “I filled the lake with tears and couldn’t stop”
She said, she had spent so much time trying to be the strong one, the one who organised everyone, she had stopped trusting them to do the right thing by themselves, she admitted it was her issue with a need to be in control.
We are all so used to trying to be in control of something, especially our own body, that the news our own body has decided to rebel against us, is a hard news to hear and accept.
I love the role Ice cream played in your reaction @2DB , opps sorry, just cleaned my laptop screen and that is not what you wrote, blame @Jimbo165 and @Erica talking of birthday cake and parties on another thread :slight_smile: