Ideas for the wee hours

If you think it works, ‘It Works’ :grinning:


I use This Works products body cocoon on my hands each night and I have used it when my legs have been restless and also a small bit on my brow and under my nose
I also have the deep sleep spray

I do watch my favourite youtubes before bed that aren’t stimulating they range from make up to car rebuild to sitting with dogs. The people that present them are important calm and kind

I find the quiet of the night very loud so I pop in my ear buds and listen to strictly come dancing/desert island discs/ anyone with a soothing voice or voices. I keep the volume low and I find that I drift off to sleep. I think I have trained myself to turn over and take one ear bud out and put the other in :smiley:

I also do breathworks/mindfulness with a practitioner for a few years and found this very helpful. It takes time it doesn’t happen over night like yoga you have to practice
I also practice Alexander technique yoga

If all else fails the best thing I can do is get up make a cup of tea and accept that I can’t sleep rather than getting upset/annoyed/frustrated as those feelings will keep you awake


I agree @2DB if I get upset/annoyed/frustrated or even stressed there is no way I will drop off. I try and just accept it and rest instead and then I will realise a couple of hours has gone by, so I must have dropped off xx


@Erica its the awake at 4am but manage to sleep deeply in the 20 minutes of the snooze syndrome lol or I was going to get up for some photography after lying there since 3am, 7am put the book down, stretch and find it is 9.30am.
Think there is a time thief following me :wink:


@2DB That has been the hardest lesson of this journey so far, not being hard on myself for symptoms I have no control over


You raise an interesting concept, clickinhistory, regarding ‘Control or Lack of it’ with our Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).

I have thought about it, and I think that I did not have much control about being diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).

However, since I have had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) I feel that I can control it somewhat by, getting the best specialists, the correct treatment, do my research, and stay positive.

Along with, eating well, exercising, and watching my weight, I like to think, with all of that, I do have some control.

Keep that bottle well filled friend :grinning:


@Vindicatrix I have Polycythaemia vera (PV), as it appears from the symptoms, for years as it played hide and seek in my body. The lack of control it caused in my life, especially in my relationship with my now ex wife, as well as over the things I used to enjoy, the mental/anxiety fog blurring life.
Now I have a sort of control as I wait for my docs appointment later this month, in that I start to recognise when the symptoms are starting and chose to either work through them and know I have to pay a price on my next off day (joys of self employment) or just flow with the wave and let my body rest or focus on controlling the free wheeling brain.
Exercise even when my mind says no, trying to eat well(ish) hoping to convince @Erica that we should be drinking small beer instead of water, red wine is a food group that includes dark chocolate and coffee and a good malt whisky is blood thinner from the gods.
And download another free book for the kindle in case all of the above ideas fail :wink:
Take care out there


Oh @clickinhistory I did laugh at your post.
I just prefer the taste of water to beer
I am also a milk chocolate and hot chocolate girl and I am not keen on red wine, dark chocolate, coffee or a good malt whisky.
However I will redeem myself as I am a kindle girl , but only the free or very cheap books!!!
I am taking care in here and I hope you are too.


oh dear @Erica there is still time to be educated and saved from life’s lesser pleasures :wink:
Though think Amazon First reads have been a bit poor this year :frowning:
Though I have been enjoying the weather, always been a winter person :slight_smile:


What a stunning photo @clickinhistory I just love the contrast of the snowy scene and the person, black and white is a very powerful medium.


@Erica he was very dapper in his dress sense lol
Now I have the software back on the new laptop, guess I have something to do when I cannot sleep :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear your sleep has been so affected, @clickinhistory. I know insomnia, I hate it! But I love and use so many of the suggestions here. As ever, @Erica has such great advice.

Using lavender oil has helped my insomnia for about 3 decades now, particularly just dabbing a drop of it under my nose (it’s one of the few essential oils that are okay to put directly on skin). Essential oil diffusers are great—try putting it on a while before bedtime and dim lights to tell your brain to get ready for sleep. Be careful not to add oils that invigorate, rather than calm like lavender. Same goes for bathing with essential oils.

Telling yourself it’s no big deal to be awake when it’s actually super annoying can help take the edge off the frustration, I have found. Mindful breathing like @Vindicatrix mentioned is also really great—at any time of day! I love deep breathing, it’s so calming. Something I started telling myself when I’m wide awake at random times since my Polycythaemia vera (PV) diagnosis is of course I can’t sleep right now! Obviously cancer is no small matter, so no wonder I would wake up with thoughts of it. It lurks unconsciously in all our actions.

I also get insomnia after the clocks go back every winter, like now, which is so annoying. My body is out of sync with the new time of day (or vice versa), and I’m really feeling it this week. Maybe you are too? Lots of suddenly being wide awake at 5 am for me. I would get up and make coffee early, do some writing, maybe even consider going out for an early hike, but actually I’ve been enjoying just cwtching up in bed, enjoying the warmth, doing the crossword! Be lazy, it’s been a tough time!!!

For me, over the years, the best thing to do when insomnia hits has been to try to stay in my overall sleep routine, but also to try other sleepy activities if you’re agitated and need distracting. I used to do overnight work and it messed my sleep up, but trying to have the same sort of wind-down routine prior to sleep whatever time of day it was helped a bit. Maybe you could create your own comforting bedtime routine for whatever time you finish work or find yourself awake at the wrong time?

Oh, and I love the smell of Lush shops! Although they do make me sneeze in passing. Rather the smell of Lush than synthetic perfume. If you have a bath, maybe try one of their Deep Sleep calming bath bombs :thinking:

Hope your sleep settles down soon, @clickinhistory!


Beer, whisky, chocolate, coffee, what’s not to like. In very small amounts I believe that all of the above are beneficial to health.

A small glass of stout, sweet, or otherwise is good for those lacking iron. A small glass of malt whisky is good for the heart (Honest) as is dark chocolate, and caffeine, but the key is small, once a day only.

Having said that, drinking loads of good old water, is probably more effective than any of those, as it cleans the system of impurities. (As hot as you can take) it first thing in the morning, and during the day.
As always ‘Horses for courses’ :smiley:

All in my opinion of course, and I have been known to be wrong, so take this with a ‘Pinch of salt’ which my daughter calls ‘White Death’ :grinning:


@Duncan one of the joys of being self employed, changed a job around today after a miscommunication with the client over the job, after a 5am start outside Edinburgh after driving round the North Highlands of Scotland, 11.30am in bed and slept till the phone rang this afternoon. Knew my body was ready for a catch up.
Meditation is something I used to do years ago and trying to remember some of the old tricks to relax before sleep.
After the initial grumpy mutterings of “oh look, I am awake” :wink: I really work at not getting angry and just trying to get comfortable with the situation.
I have never done a 9-5 job, so my body is used to strange sleep, just trying to turn that into an advantage rather than a curse.
Oh @Erica an alternative thread idea, books suggestions for the wee hours, with a sub section on books so boring, you are back to sleep in minutes :slight_smile:


@Vindicatrix of an age where my mum was told by her doc to drink the black stuff while having me and my middle brother :wink:
As for hot water, never could drink it unless it had something in it, brother recommends Ribena. Doesn’t help that have an extra bit of internal piping that means water flushes through at a faster rate if I drink too much fluids.
Oh those TV chefs with not enough seasoning comments on people who have tried to cut down on using salt, it is never their taste buds at fault for not being able to taste properly.
Enjoy a pinch of the white death in a dark chocolate nibble :wink:

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Hi Erica I damaged a filling a couple of days ago and visit my dentist tomorrow. Because of my low platelets I had a word with the haematology nurse. She told me if it was a extraction or root canal I would need a blood test to check platelets. A normal filling above the gum line would be okay. The thing is I have had so many cancellations this month 4 with the consultant and two blood tests cancelled recently My nurse said if platelets to low they can boost them with medication. But the dental treatment must proceed soon after the platelets rise. As anyone you know gone through this problem.? I am worried that I’m going to be in pain possibly into the new year. Its also my 73rd birthday on boxing day. I feel quite well BUT I am concerned it could be my last Christmas and Birthday and if I still have toothache that would be disastrous.
Best wishes


Hi Unclejaxk, I was told to delay a half embedded tooth extraction until I spoke to my Haematologist, which I did today, but forgot to mention it to her.

It seems to be important, issue, when having any Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) treatment, also when having Scans and other tests done, as it can cause false readings.
Take care, and best wishes. Ron


@Unclejack I was having frequent tooth problems and infections about 16 yrs ago and my dentist worked with my GP and consultant and I was given antibiotics before, during and after a multiple extraction appointment.
I did not get an infection, but I must stress my platelets were probably OK’ish.
I have not had any dental infections since.
I can understand that you would like to be fit and pain free over your celebrations.
My birthday is just into the New Year, I will be 74 yrs old so I know about ‘merging’ celebrations.
However I always manage to celebrate with a Colin the Caterpillar cake.
Please let us know how you get on at the dentist tomorrow and let’s hope you need an above the gum filling.
Fingers and toes crossed for you.


Hi @clickinhistory I have started a thread, not quite what you suggested, but you can post what you like on it.
Books to read during treatment or when having problems sleeping - General chat - Blood Cancer UK Online Community Forum


Hi @Erica
Tolstoy’s War and Peace puts many to sleep :sleeping: